Chapter 129

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"Because he wanted you there as well. I wanted to keep us safe. Brie needs a mother to raise her." Thor explained. 

"What about you? She needs a father too." Carol said with worry. 

"It's going to be fine. We'll sort it out later."

Thor looked at his daughter, smiling to himself. He knew that going to Dhaka would separate him from his family, but it was the only choice he had in order to keep them safe. It was going to be hard without them, but once it ended, he would be back with them. 

"How was the museum?" Thor wondered. 

"She liked it." Carol chuckled. 

"I would've rather been here then with Ross."

"Brie loved the planes. I guarantee she wanted to fly one."

"She's just like her mom."

Thor held Carol's hand, smiling at her. The three of them headed back to the base, looking at everything around them. Brie enjoyed passing the hangars, especially the ones with planes in them. 

"...fwy..." Brie tried to speak. 

Brie moved her arms around, trying to mimic the sound of the planes. She wanted to fly one of the planes, but she was too small. They passed the hangars, heading straight to the parking lot. Thor picked Brie up, pointing to the sky. She watched a plane pass above them, and it was gone in the blink of an eye. 

"Ready to head home?" Thor asked. 

"...fwy...?" Brie said with confusion. 

"We will soon."

Thor buckled her up in the backseat, and headed to the drivers side. Carol looked back at him when he started the car. 

"You okay there Carol?" Thor was concerned. 

"Just trying to process everything at the moment." Carol responded. 

"I know it's too much to handle, but we'll get through it like we always do."

"It's not that it's too much for me. I'm more worried about Brie."

"I'm worried about her too. I don't want to leave either of you but I have no choice. It was either both of us or one of us. I just wanted for you two to be safe."

"I don't want her to be raised without her father. She needs you too."

"I really tried for all of us to be here. Ross refused to change anything. This was the only other choice. Brie needs the both of us to raise her but considering Ross is commander of Edwards, that's not going to happen. He couldn't care less about our family. He's a selfish bastard who only cares for himself."

"How long are you going to be in Dhaka?"

"Ross didn't say. I hope I will only be there for a few months at max."

"This is going to be very hard."

"We'll get through this. None of us wanted this to happen in the first place but it did."

"When are you leaving?"

"Next week."

"That's too soon."

"I'll have to enjoy the moments with you and her while it lasts."

The two of them smiled at each other, both not wanting to leave each other's sides. Thor had made the difficult decision, but it had to be done. This was the only way for them to be safe. It didn't matter how bad it was, neither him nor Carol would give up hope. 

"Does everyone else know what's going on?" Carol wondered. 

"Yes. They didn't like it either." Thor nodded. 

"Can Fury do anything about it?"

"Sadly no. Steve and Sam refuse to leave Bucky. They apparently managed to convince Ross to let them join him in Kalaikunda."

"What about Rhodey?"

"He wanted to stay here with you. He didn't want you to be alone while I was gone. Fury said the same thing along with Maria."

"Things are really getting bad, aren't they?"

"If it is any help, my parents have decided to move up here for a while. They didn't want you to be alone either. Even Loki decided to postpone everything until you are okay."

"Your family is really kind."

"I promise you Carol, even if we are separated for a little while, I will forever be by your side."

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