Chapter 65

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"Morning everyone." Fury said after a while of silence. 

"It's way too early." Bucky whispered. 

"The birds aren't even awake yet." Sam grumbled. 

"You guys chose this job." Fury looked at them. 

"You have a point." Thor said. 

"Ever since I got word from the president about the much needed help in Yemen, you all are starting your mission earlier then expected. The Army is getting their asses kicked. Even the backup from the Marines didn't do anything. These terrorists are way smarter then we all originally thought." Fury continued. 

"Who are these guys?" Carol asked. 

"They call themselves the Ten Rings. They currently are in control of the Middle East right now. US bases are getting taken over everyday." Fury explained. 

"This is worse then I thought." Rhodey said quietly. 

"Now that the Russians are involved, it is getting way worse. We are on the brink of another world war. If things don't change anytime soon, the US is going to have to back out of the war." Fury stated. 

"That's really risky." Steve shook his head. 

"Hopefully you guys are prepared for what is to come. It could be several months until you guys actually get a break. Fight hard and win this for the country." Fury informed. 

"We risk our lives everyday so this is nothing new." Thor responded. 

"You guys got everything?" Fury wondered. 

"We got all our gear. This is going to have to last us until we win or get more supplies." Thor nodded. 

The team put on their helmets, and sat down in the plane. Carol looked back at Thor, giving him a little more hope then he already had. The plane took off from the ground, and into the sky. It was going to be another ten hours before they got to Baghdad, and another three until they got to the base in Sana'a. 

"You ready Avenger?" Thor looked at her. 

"Always." Carol managed to smile. 

"This is going to be the most intense and dangerous mission all of us have ever done. Watch each others sixes and keep a sharp eye out for anything." Rhodey prepare the group. 

"Thanks for the pep talk Rhodey." Steve smiled. 

"If I had to say something, it would be to blow stuff up." Carol commented. 

"That works to." Sam noted. 

"Short and simple it is." Thor chuckled. 

Thor held Carol's hand, smiling. She rested her head on his shoulder, mentally preparing herself. The Avengers started a quiet conversation among themselves, listening to the chatter of the pilot. 

"You still got those cards Bucky?" Steve wondered. 

"I brought them with me since that's going to be our only entertainment for the next few months." Bucky nodded. 

"Good. Playing cards with the other soldiers is going to be fun." Sam smiled. 

"What base are we going to?" Bucky asked. 

"Al Anad, just outside Sana'a." Rhodey replied. 

"Hopefully they got some good planes." Steve stated. 

"Ready to kick some people butts?" Bucky looked at Steve. 

"Hell yeah. I'm always up for that." Steve grinned. 

"These idiots are going to be surprised when we get there." Sam said. 

"They won't even know what's coming." Steve responded. 

"I can't wait to meet up with Barton and Romanoff." Bucky commented. 

"How have they been lately?" Sam asked. 

"Good. Both of them are part of the Army Delta squad down there." Steve spoke happily. 

"How'd they manage to get in?" Sam wondered. 

"They are both the best fighters the Army has ever seen." Bucky shrugged. 

"Who else is in their group?" Sam was curious. 

"Quill and Carter." Steve answered. 

"The Ten Rings are so screwed." Bucky laughed. 

"And when they get us, we will demolish them." Sam chuckled. 

The entire group laughed a little bit at Sam's comment. Steve and Bucky were playing war while Rhodey and Sam kept talking to Thor and Carol. The Avengers weren't the only ones in the plane. Agents Hill and Coulson had joined them as well.

"How's things at S.H.I.E.L.D?" Thor asked. 

"Busy. We have had to deal with the Ten Rings. Every agent has been needed to help out." Coulson replied. 

"Why didn't they call the Avengers earlier?" Carol asked. 

"I have no idea. If you guys would've been there months ago, we wouldn't be in this situation." Hill shook her head. 

"You're not wrong." Thor nodded. 

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