Chapter 102

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"I made a list of everything we need to do today. The first thing we need to do is visit Loki." Thor informed. 

"This early in the morning?" Carol wondered. 

"Who knows what he wants us for."

"What about the others?"

"My parents needed them for something."

"Whatever they've planned must be good then."

"It usually is."

The two of them got in the car, getting ready to leave to Melbourne. The other Avengers stayed behind, helping Thor's parents with their plan. It was going to be a very busy day for all of them. 

"Did Loki hear about the news?" Carol asked. 

"No. I haven't told him yet. My parents still don't know either. I will tell them later though." Thor said. 

"He's going to be surprised."

"He already knew we were dating. He probably put the pieces together already."

"If he didn't, we should surprise him."

"I would love to do that. Nothing like giving your sibling a heart attack."

"Is it weird that I want to do that too?"

"A little bit."

They both laughed at what Thor had said. The entire trip seemed to go by really fast, and in no time, they had arrived at Loki's house in Melbourne. The both of them got out of the car, curious on why Loki had told them to come.

"Didn't know he lived here." Carol was surprised. 

"Neither did I. All this time I thought he lived in Sydney, but I was wrong." Thor nodded. 

"It's a pretty nice house."

"It fits him."

They walked to the porch, and Thor rang the doorbell. Not even a minute passed before Loki opened the door, a huge smile appearing on his face.

"Welcome brother." Loki greeted the two of them. 

"Why did you need us?" Thor wondered. 

"Ah yes. I need your assistance with something." 

"You could've gotten someone else." 

"I specifically need you two. It's very important." 


They headed inside, waiting to hear what Loki had to say. Carol was amazed at the interior, but was pretty much used to it. They made their way downstairs, and into the lounge area. Loki sat down on one of the chairs, waiting for them to do the same.

"I need your opinions on something." Loki said. 

"What is it?" Thor looked at him. 

"Tonight I am going to a party, but I need something good to wear." Loki explained. 

"What choices need our opinion?" Carol asked. 

"I was thinking a light blue, but the dark green one is good too." Loki stated. 

"What about the green on with gold on it?" Carol suggested. 

"That one could be good," Loki smiled, "What do you think brother?"

"It definitely suits you. That's the one." Thor nodded. 

The three of them agreed on the dark green one with gold. It would be the best choice for the party Loki was going to. 

"What that all you needed us for?" Thor said. 

"No. I wouldn't ask you guys to drive ten hours just to help me pick out a suit. I have more things I need your help with." Loki responded. 

Loki lead them to his garage, and hopped in his car. They did the same, slightly confused.

"What are we doing?" Carol asked with curiosity. 

"Going to Beech Forest. Sif needed people to help her set up the party. Good thing you two are here." Loki answered. 

"This better not take long. Dad and Mom want Carol and I back at Pearl Beach." Thor assured him. 

"It won't." Loki said. 

Loki looked back at the road, smiling slightly. He had everything planned out for the day. Little did they know who was waiting for them at Beech Forest. Loki had talked with his parents, planning out a special party just for Thor and Carol. 

"I have a feeling that you've planned something more than just helping set up a party brother." Thor observed. 

"Sif needed help." Loki continued talking. 

"Did she really need the two of us though?" Carol looked at him. 

"Yes. You're the only people who can lift an ton. She's needs people like you guys to help with moving some furniture." Loki explained. 

"Is that all?" Thor said. 

"Yes. After that, you two are free to go." Loki promised. 

"This day has been extremely busy." Thor commented. 

"It has been." Carol agreed. 

"I still think you are up to something Loki."

"I agree with Thor."

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