Chapter 48

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"Excited to go to Wakanda?" Carol wondered. 

"Depends. T'Challa seems like a nice guy, but the city itself is way to advanced for me." Thor responded. 

"We're not going to stay there forever. You'll be fine."

"When we do leave Wakanda, I'll be the same old pilot you knew back in Pasadena."

"You haven't changed much."

"A little bit. I'm a super solider with the mental stability of a four year old."

"You're still an adorable cinnamon roll."

They both laughed at their own joke, leaving the others very confused. Fury had told Stark to autopilot the plane to Wakanda, and sat back down. 

"When will you two stop being weird?" Sam looked at them. 

"Never." Carol replied. 

"I'm 80% sure that you guys are dating." Sam continued. 

"How did you know?" Carol smiled. 

"I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or serious." Sam said. 

"She's being serious." Fury didn't even look up. 

"Damn." Sam whispered to himself. 

"How are you even surprised? The rest of us could tell ages ago." Rhodey rolled his eyes. 

"How long do we have until we get to Wakanda?" Bucky said. 

"Another six hours." Thor replied. 

"Did anyone bring some sort of entertainment?" Sam asked. 

"Bucky has his cards." Steve said. 

"What card game haven't we played?" Carol wondered. 

"Go Fish." Bucky spoke. 

"Sounds like a child's game." Fury looked at them. 

"It's actually really fun." Bucky smiled. 

Everyone watched Bucky shuffle up the cards before making seven piles. He handed each pile to the seven of them, and they started the game.

"Who's going first?" Thor asked. 

"Rock, paper, scissors it." Carol suggested. 

"I'll let Cap go." Thor nodded. 

"You don't even want to give it a shot?" Carol looked at him. 

"I suck at that game." Thor responded. 

"Go Steve." Bucky looked at Steve. 

"Okay. Sam, do you have a king?" Steve asked. 

"No." Sam replied. 

Steve pulled a card from the middle pile, and the game continued.

"Fury, do you have a three?" Rhodey wondered. 

"Yes." Fury said. 

Fury gave Rhodey two of his cards, and Rhodey went again.

"Carol, do you have a jack?" Rhodey looked at her. 

"Nope." Carol smiled. 

"Are you lying?" 


Rhodey took a card and Bucky went. The game continued until all the cards were gone. Everyone placed their cards into matches, hoping they had the most.

"Fury won the game by a landslide, and Wilson is right behind him." Bucky announced. 

"That killed quite a bit of time." Steve looked at his watch. 

"I didn't know Fury was so good at card games." Bucky continued. 

"I used to play them." Fury told the group. 

"You should play more often." Carol looked at him. 

"I got better things to do then that." Fury replied. 

"Like what?" Thor asked. 

"I'm the one who has to deal with Ross. Do you know how badly I want to kill him?" Fury said. 

"He's a jerk." Carol stated. 

"Especially to me. He's the one who wants to arrest me." Thor said. 

"He called you a terrorist." Steve joined in. 

"I called him an asshole." Carol looked at Thor. 

"When you were at the court?" Bucky wondered. 

"Yup. Right where the entire government could hear me." Carol said. 

"You gave them the middle finger." Rhodey noted. 

"Pretty much. Best thing I have ever done." Carol smiled. 

Thor walked towards the pilot's seat, and looked around. It was dark outside, which made the sky look creepy. He looked on the radar, noticing several dots coming towards the plane.

"Shit...." He cursed under his breath. 

Thor raced out of the cockpit and towards the back of the ship.

"We got several planes coming towards us." He announced. 

"How the hell did they find us?" Carol grumbled. 

"Is the cloaking feature on?" Fury said. 

"Yes. I don't know how they're doing it." Thor shook his head in frustration. 

"There's nowhere to run." Rhodey stated. 

"If they catch us, who knows what they are going to do when they find out we are here." Steve muttered. 

"Forget about us. Thor's the only one who's actually screwed." Carol snapped. 

"Ross is going to kill us all." Bucky whispered. 

"The only person who can help Thor is T'Challa. We have to get to Wakanda." Carol informed them. 

"That's not going to happen." Thor looked at her. 

"What are we going to do then?" Sam asked. 

"Hope that Ross doesn't kill Thor." Rhodey responded. 

"The worst that could happen is that Ross puts him in the secret prison." Steve folded his arms. 

"Where the hell is that?" Sam wondered. 

"The Atlantic Ocean." Steve continued. 

"What do they use that for?" Sam said. 

"Dangerous criminals. Mostly enemy leaders." Bucky replied. 

"Why Thor?" Sam was confused. 

"He's a super soldier. According to Ross, that makes him a threat." Carol interrupted. 

"I knew this was going to come back and haunt me." Thor sighed angrily. 

"How the hell is he a threat? Thor would never hurt anyone." Bucky argued. 

"Unless he was mind controlled." Fury called out. 

"We got a message from them." Stark announced. 

"What are they saying?" Steve asked with a worried voice. 

"We are surrounded by the entire military right now." Stark informed. 

"That's a little excessive." Rhodey replied. 

"Whatever happens when we land this plane, be prepared." Thor told the group. 

"I refuse to let Ross take Thor away from us." Carol looked up at him with determined eyes.  

"We can't do anything about it." Bucky said. 

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