Chapter 24

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"How long has he been out?" Rhodey asked. 

"Twelve hours." Carol responded. 

"Fury has news." 

"Good or bad?" 


"What is it?" 

"They found out what the Russians were doing."


"They made a serum that increases strength."

"Is that all?"

"No. The Russians only tested it once."

"Did it work?"

"Yes. They used Thor as a human experiment."

"Oh no..."

"We may be able to fix it."

Carol sat in the chair next to Thor's bed, waiting for him to wake up. He had been sleeping for about twelve hours, and still hadn't woken up. 

"Do you want me to watch him?" Rhodey offered.

"No. I'll be fine." Carol responded, still looking at Thor. 

"You've been there for twelve hours."

"I'm fine."

"Whatever you say."

Rhodey left the room, and Carol continued to read her book. Thor moved slightly, which made Carol a little concerned. 

"What day is it?" Thor asked, looking around. 

"Thursday." Carol replied, slightly smiling at him. 

"How long have I been out?"

"Twelve hours."

Thor sat up in the bed, rubbing his eyes. 

"You want anything to eat?" Carol asked him. 

"I wouldn't say no to a sandwich." Thor smiled at her. 

"What kind?"

"Turkey or ham. Either one works."

"Turkey it is."

Carol left the room for a few minutes before returning. She gave Thor his sandwich before sitting right back down in her chair. 

"It's going to be real hard to explain to your family that you didn't die." She looked at him. 

"My mom's going to be very happy." Thor said, eating his sandwich. 

"I'm just happy you're here."

"I bet you are."

"I still regret leaving you there."

"Those idiots tortured me for months. I hate thinking about what happened. The things they did to me. Every day I thought about you. I couldn't imagine how it felt to you."

"They are going to pay for it."

"Sorry we didn't get to go to Australia."

"We can go later."

Carol looked at Thor, and just smiled. He looked back at her sadly, like something was bothering him. Fury stopped by to check on both of them, with news.

"We can fix it." Fury said. 

"That's good news." Carol nodded. 

"We do need a personal account from him though. He's the only one who knows everything." Fury continued. 

"I really don't want to talk about it." Thor said quietly. 

"Give him a break Fury. He just got back from that hell hole." Carol defended. 

"Calm it down Danvers. I never said today." Fury said. 

"Do you have anything useful other than that?" Carol questioned. 

"I have good news for Odinson." Fury replied. 

"What is it?" Thor asked. 

"You can go back to your job in eight weeks after we get this mess all sorted out and you get used to your old lifestyle." Fury informed. 

"I like this a lot." Thor said happily. 

"You're not one for staying in one place." Carol looked at him. 

"Is there a way for me to go back to flying planes quicker?" Thor supposed. 

"Eight weeks, take it or leave it." Fury looked at him. 

"I'm perfectly fine." Thor argued. 

Thor stood up from the bed, but forgot that he was too weak to walk. He fell to the floor on his face, and gave up trying to get back up.

"Want to rethink what you just said?" Carol chuckled. 

"No." Thor grumbled. 

"Eight weeks and physical therapy." Fury said. 

"I'm perfectly fine." Thor complained. 

"You clearly don't know how to walk." Carol replied. 

"I hate this right now." Thor mumbled. 

Carol helped him off the floor, and back onto the bed. He grumbled at the news, but didn't really care. 

"When do I start therapy?" Thor wondered. 

"Tomorrow." Carol said. 

"I want to get this over with. Any chance I could do it sooner?" He asked. 

"I could make it next week." Fury considered. 

"Tomorrow is fine." Thor responded quickly. 

"Until you return to the Air Force, Danvers will be helping you." Fury spoke. 

"I don't need a babysitter." Thor folded his arms. 

"You'll be fine." Carol smiled. 

Fury left the room, leaving the grumbling Thor to talk with Carol.

"We'll get through this together." Carol assured. 

"I'm only doing this for you." Thor admitted. 

"You're starting to grow on me." 

"I try."

"You doing really good at it."

"When I get back in the Air Force, I'm going to do some crazy tricks."

"They're really going to love that."

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