Chapter 82

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One of the Russians walked right past the vent, keeping a lookout for two people. He stood there, being very cautious. Little did he know that two people were behind him. Thor choked him out, quietly dragging him in one of the alleyways.

"That was a close one." Carol mumbled. 

"There's the car." Thor said. 

"We have to hurry."

They ran across the street, sneaking past several people. They silently got into the car, waiting for the right time to go. Thor jammed a screwdriver into the keyhole, trying to start the car.

"We may have to hot wire it." Carol looked at him. 

"This is faster." Thor informed her. 

He turned the screwdriver, starting up the car. That immediately caught the attention of every person in the area. Thor floored the gas pedal, racing off in the streets. Two cars followed right behind them, shooting in their direction. 

"Turn left!" Carol yelled. 

"That's a death trap!" Thor argued. 

Thor turned right, running into small stands, and drifted towards an alleyway. The cars continued to follow right behind them, getting closer every minute. 

"You need to lose them!" Carol looked at him. 

"I'm trying!" Thor yelled. 

"Try harder!"

"You're not the one driving!"

He raced past groups of people, driving straight towards a bridge. It was blockaded by two armored vehicles, and a group of Russians. They ran right off the bride right into the river. 

"This wasn't the plan!" Carol yelled. 

"We have to improvise!" Thor shouted. 

Thor kicked the door off of the car, helping Carol get out before the car flooded. They swam towards the surface, gasping for breath. 

"What are we going to do now?" Carol asked. 

"Get out of the river and as far from this car as possible." Thor said. 

They swam towards the bank of the river, avoiding the Russians. They had managed to get off the radar for now. The two of them used the dark to their advantage, hiding in the shadows. After waiting for the group to leave, they ran towards a random building, and went in. 

"Where are we?" Carol said. 

"South of the entrance." Thor stated. 

"How far?"

"About half a kilometre."

"That's too far."

"Stealth is going to be very important in this situation."

"We better start going now. It's not going to be night forever."

Thor made sure they were clear to go before they left the building. The both of them snuck past buildings, keeping a lookout. So far they were fine, but it could change at any moment. It was a good ten minutes before they made it to the location they wanted to be at. The Howling Commandos were camping out, along with Sam and Rhodey. Steve and Bucky were nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Cap and Bucky?" Carol asked. 

"Still in the city." Sam said. 

"Did you guys find your target?" Thor looked at them. 

"Yes. We've been here for ten hours." Rhodey noted. 

"That was fast." Carol nodded. 

"How about you two?" Sam wondered. 

"Yeah. We had to hide out in a sewer for a couple hours and were chased by several cars." Thor explained. 

"Sounds like an adventure." Rhodey raised an eyebrow. 

"We need to get Steve and Bucky." Carol decided. 

"Their communication devices must be broken." Sam guessed. 

"That's why Carol and I are going back to get them." Thor stated. 

"What about us?" Sam hesitated. 

"Feel free to come." Carol smiled. 

"This is really risky. We don't have much time left." Rhodey folded his arms. 

"Then we have to hurry. I am not leaving anyone behind." Thor grabbed his gun. 

Thor made sure his gun still worked, and grabbed another magazine of ammo. He prepared to go back, even though it wasn't part of the mission. The Howling Commandos agreed to join them. 

"Are we all ready?" Morita asked. 

"Once we go back into the city, it could be a while before we leave it. Not only do we have to watch out for the Ten Rings, but we now have to worry about the Russians too." Carol said. 

"They're here too?" Rhodey was confused. 

"Yup. What makes things worse is I know them. They are the ones who brought me to Strucker. If I get caught again, they could turn me right back into a human weapon." Thor warned. 

"We are facing impossible odds right now." Sam shook his head. 

"Who really cares anymore?" Carol wasn't even surprised. 

"Nobody. It's nothing new anymore." Thor responded. 

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