Chapter 40

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"We're heading straight towards the waterfall." Thor informed. 

"From the five minutes I've been here, it looks awesome." Carol exclaimed. 

"Wait until we get to the waterfall. That scenery is beautiful."

"I can't believe I didn't come here earlier."

"We would've come last year, but I couldn't walk."

"Now you can."

"And you're going to enjoy it very much."

"It depends."

"I promise you will love it."

Thor stopped the car at the edge of the cliff, and got out. He walked towards the edge, peering over into the lake. The Sun could be seen through the trees, making the water look like it was glowing. 

"This is one of my favorite places now." She smiled. 

"It's one of the best places to go in all of Australia." He looked around. 

"I can't tell which vacation was better. It's either the last one or this one."

"This one is definitely better."

Thor sat down on the ground, hanging his feet over the edge. He picked up a nearby rock and threw it into the lake. Carol watched the Sun set over the trees, causing the sky to go dark. There was so little light pollution, the galaxy was able to be seen.

"Now that's a beautiful sight to see."  He grinned. 

"The skies are really clear tonight." Carol looked up at the stars. 

"The scenery is so awesome that I completely forgot about the rest of the world."

"It's a good thing. The rest of the world really hates us."

"They'll eventually forget this whole thing even happened."

"It's going to be a while but we got all the time in the world."


They both laughed at their own conversation, still watching the sky. Thor was thinking about what Maria had said earlier. He was trying to decided whether he should ask her out or stay silent. He really wanted to since he had know her for years, and they were both really good friends. Then again, he wasn't sure if he wanted to. Thor ignored his thoughts, and decided to do it. 

"I have a question to ask you." He looked back at her. 

"What is it?" Carol asked. 

"I would ask you out on a date but since we are on the run from pretty much every country, I can't really take you anywhere."

Carol started laughing for no reason, and Thor didn't know why.

"You know how long I've been waiting for you to do that?" Carol chuckled. 

"I would have asked you years ago, but it was never a good time." Thor rolled his eyes.

"I can't disagree with that."

"I also got one more thing to ask you."

"What more could you-"

Thor completely ignored what she was trying to say. He immediately put his hands on her face, kissing her for a moment. Carol was completely speechless. They eventually broke apart, and Thor was happy with his decision. 

"I was not expecting you to do that." Carol admitted. 

"It called a surprise for a reason." Thor looked straight into her brown eyes. 

"Why in the world can I not think of anything to say? My mind's gone completely blank."

"It was because of me."

"Now my mind's going crazy."

"Want me to kiss you again?"

"That's going to make it worse."

"Your brain's trying to tell you that you like me."

"How would you know that?"

"Because my mind's completely blank too."

"I give up."

"So you want me to kiss you again?"

"You may as well. I guess you're right about me liking you."

They kissed again, for a little bit longer then the last time. Thor enjoyed every moment of it, and his mood changed from bored to happy in seconds. He didn't know why he felt extremely nervous, and tried to ignore the feeling.

"Damn things just got interesting." Carol burst. 

"It's been a crazy day hasn't it?" Thor agreed. 

"Not really. I've been through crazier days then this one."

"What could be more crazy then this?"

"Like three years ago, the entire government tried to stop Fury from letting me in as fighter pilot. Let's just say the government didn't like me after that."

"I'll give you that."

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