Chapter 76

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"Something's moving in the distance." Thor announced. 

"What is it?" Carol asked. 

"I need a better look." Thor whispered. 

Thor slowly crept out of the hole, still ducking close to the ground. Rhodey and Carol moved towards the edges of the hole, trying to stay hidden. 

"It looks like a vehicle." Thor said. 

"Be more descriptive." Rhodey looked at him. 

"It could be a armored truck, wait no, it's definitely a Humvee." Thor didn't know what the vehicle was. 

"Pick one Thor." Carol said. 

"Never mind, it's a tank." Thor warned them. 

"Enemy tank or ours?" Rhodey wondered. 

"Get down now." Thor quickly said. 

"Ten Rings?" Carol guessed. 

"Go back down in the hole." Thor nodded. 

Thor gestured for all of them to stay hidden, and whispered to Steve. They all laid against the edge, silently waiting for the tank to pass. It seemed like ages, and the tank didn't leave. Shadows of the enemy soldiers were everywhere. 

"We need a plan." Carol declared. 

"Get to that tank." Thor stated. 

"It's a suicide mission." Rhodey answered. 

"You got a better plan?" Thor looked at him. 

"That will do just fine." Rhodey nodded. 

"Stealth is key for this. Rhodey stay here and keep a lookout. Carol follow me." Thor explained. 

"Why do I have to stay in the hole?" Rhodey whispered. 

"Go with the others then." Carol said. 

"I'll just stay here." Rhodey responded. 

Thor ran out of the hole quietly. He ducked behind a crate, motioning for Carol to follow him. She looked around, waiting for it to be clear. They watched the enemy from a distance, making a plan. 

"What are we going to do? There are way more people then we have." Carol pointed out. 

"We have a slight advantage." Thor observed. 

"Getting rid of that tank is our main goal." 

"Got any explosives?"


"Guess we got to improvise."

"I got a few grenades."

"One of us has to throw it in."

"I'll do it."

"You're going to need some great cover fire."

"That's why I have you guys."

"Stay here. I'll tell the others. When I give the signal, go for it."

Thor ran towards his hole, not wanting to get spotted. He slid right into it, landing on his knees. This plan was the only backup they were going to get unless the rest of the military showed up. Steve, Bucky, and Sam listened to the plan, getting prepared. They all sat at the edge of the hole, aiming their guns towards the enemy. Thor gave the signal, letting Carol know.

"Get ready everyone." Carol commented. 

Carol dashed for the tank, alerting every enemy around her. They shot at her, but were hit by the Avengers. Thor raced out of the hole, running straight for the tank. His friends followed right behind him, thinning out the terrorist. 

"Back away from the tank!" Carol yelled. 

"Pull the pin now!" Thor shouted. 

She threw the grenade in the tank, jumping off of it. After getting to cover, the tank exploded into pieces, spraying dust everywhere.

"Anyone got spare ammo?" Thor asked. 

"Heads up Thor." Bucky stated. 

Bucky tossed a spare magazine to Thor, still keeping a lookout for enemies. Thor reloaded his gun before joining Carol behind one of the crates. They kept firing at the Ten Rings until both of them had ran out of ammo.

"I'm out." Steve said. 

"So am I." Sam noted. 

"They aren't surrendering!" Rhodey yelled. 

"Keep firing at them!" Thor ordered. 

The group retreated back to the pits, avoiding enemy fire. Bucky gave everyone the last of his spare ammo, along with several grenades. The firefight continued on for another hour, not slowing down.

"Make every bullet count!" Thor told the Avengers. 

"How many are left?" Steve asked. 

"It looks like there is only eight guys!" Bucky shouted from the edge of the hole. 

"There could be more!" Sam warned him. 

"Where's everyone else?!" Carol yelled at them. 

"On the other side of the camp!" Thor answered. 

"I'm going to go for it!" Steve decided. 

"You're going to get yourself killed!" Rhodey looked at him. 

"Not all of us are going to make it out." Steve continued. 

"What are you doing Steve?!" Bucky yelled. 

"I'm winning this Bucky." Steve said. 

Steve ran out of the hole, shooting at every enemy. He hit a couple of them, but took several bullets. He fell to the ground, still shooting his gun. Bucky ran right after him, not caring that he could get killed too. 

"I'm not losing a teammate today." Thor muttered as he ran out of the hole. 

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