Chapter 68

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The plane landed on the dirt, and everyone hopped out. The city had been evacuated hours earlier, but the sound of gunfire hadn't stopped. Thor and Carol ran towards the battle, looking around. Buildings were in pieces as missiles hit them.

"Follow me." Thor motioned to Carol. 

Thor shot several people as he headed in one of the buildings. It was dark, and dust lingered in the air. The only light came from holes in the concrete.

"Keep a lookout." Thor whispered. 

"Right behind you." Carol nodded. 

They cleared the rooms, praying that no one was in them. When they got up the stairs, several bullets flew right past them.

"Get ready." He looked at her. 

"I already am." She smiled. 

Thor crept towards the hallway, waiting for someone to come out. Carol silently walked behind him, clearing the entire room upstairs. They got further in the darkness, and the only thing they could hear was their own breathing. 

"You go right. I'll go left." Carol noted. 

"Ready?" Thor asked. 

Thor kicked the door down, holding his gun steadily in his hands. He killed the people that were in there, clearing the first room. Carol kicked the other door down, and to her surprised, it was empty. 

"Two more to go." Carol stated. 

She kicked the third door down, and Thor walked in it. The only things that were in there were personal belongings that had been left behind.

"Last one to go." She commented. 

"Slow and steady." He said quietly. 

Thor braced himself as he kicked the last door down. Carol ran into several civilians being held captive by the enemy.

"Drop your weapons!" Thor yelled as he pointed his gun at the two enemies in front of him. 

"We kill them!" One of the enemies yelled back. 

"Last warning!" Thor threatened. 

"Listen to him and no one dies!" The other enemy warned. 

Both of them aimed their guns at the two enemy soldiers in the room. They didn't respond so Thor and Carol killed both of them. 

"You guys are safe now." Carol looked at them. 

"Thank you." One of the civilians said. 

They lead the civilians outside of the building and away from the battle.

"Stay here. It's the safest thing to do." Thor advised. 

"Is that everyone?" Steve asked. 

"I think so. There could be more though." Thor informed. 

"Keep a lookout guys." Bucky said, looking around. 

"We got the north side of the city secured." Carol said. 

"Only the south side to go." Steve answered. 

"Where's Rhodey and Sam?" Thor wondered. 

"South side of the city. Bucky and I were giving them backup." Steve stated. 

"Let's go help them." Carol suggested. 

When the rest of the Avengers got there, the group was having a hard time pushing the enemy back. Grenades exploded everywhere, and the gunfire got worse. 

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