Chapter 113

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Carol looked at her plane, smiling just a bit. It had been a while since she had been back to Edwards Air Force base. It brought back memories of her and the rest of the Avengers. 

"Ready to go back into the skies?" Thor wondered. 

"I've always been ready." Carol grinned. 


Thor stood right next to her, both of them staring at the occasional plane that flew by. The other Avengers were already in their planes, waiting for flight control.

"Up for a challenge?" Thor stated. 

"Always. What is it this time?" Carol smirked. 

"Whoever gets to Los Angles first wins."

"That'll be easy. I could do that in my sleep."

"Get ready for a challenge."

Carol hopped into the cockpit of her plane, excited to finally be flying again. She looked at the rest of her friends, giving them a thumbs up. They did the same, except for Thor. He responded with her signature sign, which made her laugh a bit.

"Thunder to flight control, the Avengers are standing by." Thor said. 

"Welcome back to the skies pilots." Flight control responded. 

"It's been a while." Thor smiled. 

"You guys are good to go." Flight control said. 

"All good Cap?" Thor asked. 

"Roger." Steve nodded. 

"War Machine?" Thor continued. 

"Right behind you Thunder." Rhodey called out. 

"Bucky?" Thor questioned. 

"In front of Cap." Bucky noted. 

"Falcon?" Thor kept going. 

"Still here." Sam chuckled. 

"What about you Avenger?" Thor said happily. 

"Ready to win." Carol said with confidence. 

"We are good to go." Thor informed. 

It only took a solid five minutes before the entire group took off down the runway. They all flew in formation, waiting for Thor to give the signal.

"You're on your own guys." Thor said. 

"Break formation." Rhodey ordered. 

Carol flew right past the group, going faster then them. Thor managed to catch up with her. The two of them raced to the location Thor had chosen, trying to throw each other off. It wasn't working very well since they both were extremely good pilots.

"I'm going to let you win this one." Thor responded. 

"I clearly won that by a landslide." Carol said with pride. 

"Sure you did."

"Good competition though."

The two of them flew right next to each other, not once breaking formation. Carol flew up towards the sky, trying to fly as high as her plane would allow her. Thor followed right behind her. 

"I missed doing this." Carol smiled. 

The two of them both free fell towards the ground. It was relaxing, even though it was extremely dangerous to do. Eventually their engines cut back on, sending them racing through the air. 

"Damn that was fun." Thor cheered. 

"I wonder what the others are doing." Carol said. 

"We're right behind you guys." Steve stated. 

"Are we too fast for you?" Carol asked. 

"No." Bucky replied. 

The group flew back into formation, heading right back up to the skies. They watched as the sky turned from light to dark blue. Carol looked down at the others, a large smile appearing on her face. 

"Get prepared to free fall." Carol addressed. 

"This is going to be fun." Thor beamed. 

The lack of oxygen eventually made all of their engines cut out, resulting in their planes falling right back to Earth. It only lasted a few seconds, but felt like a long time. Feeling weightless was a rare experience, but was good while it lasted. 

"Flight control to Avengers, what's your location?" Flight control interrupted. 

"Just south of Sacramento." Sam answered. 

"Report back to base. Director Fury needs you guys." Flight control continued. 

"For a mission?" Steve asked. 

"He didn't give us any details." Flight control said. 

"Lovely." Carol rolled her eyes. 

"We'll be back in fifteen." Thor stated. 

Carol cut communications off, leaving her plane in silence. The only thing she could hear was the occasional beeping of the navigation system, and the chatter of her friends.

"Anyone wanna guess what he needs us for this time?" Sam conversed. 

"If it isn't a mission, it's probably to test Stark's planes." Carol spoke. 

"Or something completely different." Steve considered. 

"Hopefully it isn't anything too bad." Bucky prayed. 

"It's been months since we've been back." Rhodey continued talking. 

"It's already July?" Sam exclaimed. 

"Yes. I remembered that because it's been a year and one month since Carol and I got married." Thor said. 

"Time flies by fast." Steve smiled. 

"It's already been that long?" Bucky wondered. 


"Flight control's in for a surprise." Carol smirked. 

"Are you actually going to do it?" Sam noted. 

"Why wouldn't I?" Carol said. 

"She's totally going to do it." Thor chuckled. 

"I'm surprised they haven't kicked her out yet." Rhodey said. 

"As long as I'm here, they can't kick her out." Thor answered. 

"Flight control's going to be so mad." Steve shook his head. 

"It's fun though." Thor told them. 

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