Chapter 23

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"Coming up on the bunker guys." Steve announced. 

"Everyone got their guns?" Rhodey asked. 

"Yeah." Carol replied. 

Carol looked back at Maria, giving her a small smile. 

"Better start praying before it's too late." She told Carol. 

"I don't think that's going to help." Carol said. 

"Way to ruin it." Sam joined in. 

"Better have good luck." Maria smiled. 

"Luck's not going help us." Carol spoke. 

"Quit ruining the moment." Sam continued. 

"We're getting really close." Steve told them. 

"Get ready to go." Carol said. 

Everyone got into their groups, waiting for the plane to land. It eventually did, and they got out. The humidity was really bad, along with the scorching heat.

"This is worse than Florida." Bucky commented. 

"Nothing's worse than Florida." Carol noted. 

"Have you seen a hurricane?" Maria asked. 

"I've been in one." Rhodey joined in. 

"We should probably get the mission started." Steve said. 

"Everyone know where to go?" Rhodey wondered. 

"Yup. Group A is going through the south entrance, group B is north, and group C is west." Coulson responded. 

"There is mud everywhere." Fitz looked at the ground. 

"Get used to it. We're going to be here for a while." Davis said. 

"Fury do you copy?" Hill asked. 

"Loud and clear. Head towards your targets." Fury announced. 

"Any enemies?" Simmons asked. 

"No." Steve stated. 

"They're all inside." Carol replied. 

"Oh great." Sam huffed. 

"Just fight your way through." May said. 

"Remember guys, it's a stealth mission. Only use force if necessary." Fury reminded them. 

Carol headed towards the west entrance, hoping everything would go well. She slowly opened the door, and walked inside. It was really dark, and the only thing she could see was herself. Maria followed right behind her, along with Fitz and May. 

"Be really quiet." She told the group. 

"Anything unusual yet?" May asked. 

"No." Maria responded. 

"Fitz and May, go to the right. Me and Maria will get the left." Carol noted. 

"Alright." May agreed. 

They split up and searched their assigned areas. Carol used her flashlight in the cells. Most of them were empty, except one. She crept inside, looking around. Her foot hit something, so she looked down. 

"What the hell..." Carol whispered. 

"You got something?" Maria asked.

"It looks like a person." She responded, still looking at the person on the ground. 

"Who?" Maria wondered. 

"I need a better look. You got another flashlight?" Carol looked at her. 

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