Chapter 123

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"Hold on just a tiny bit more." Steve said. 

Eventually everyone made it out safely, and Thor dropped the concrete. He was completely exhausted, but there was no time to rest. The Avengers made sure everyone was okay before trying to figure out what was going on.

"Is everyone all good?" Bucky asked. 

"Yes." Steve nodded. 

"How about you Thor?" Rhodey looked at him. 

"Hmm.... what?" Thor stuttered. 

"Are you okay?" Carol was concerned. 

"...uhhh...yeah..." Thor blinked a few times. 

Thor stared at the ground, barely managing to not pass out. Every time he opened his eyes, his vision was blurry. Everything hurt and he was exhausted. He stared at his friends, looking very confused.

"You sure about that?" Sam said slowly. 

"...yeah..." Thor mumbled. 

"You look like hell right now." Steve stated. 

"...sorry... I zoned out there for a second." Thor shook his head. 

Thor blinked a few times, not knowing if he was going to pass out or not. The Avengers stared at him, very concerned. 

"You need serious medical attention Thor." Carol said in a concerned voice. 

"I'm all good. Just a minor wound." Thor shrugged. 

"You're clearly not thinking straight buddy." Rhodey noted. 

"I'll be alright. What's the plan?" Thor continued talking. 

"Is anyone here a doctor?" Steve wondered. 

"I'm a EMT." A figure walked towards them. 

"That'll have to do." Bucky muttered. 

The group helped Thor and the EMT, and assisting in fixing him up. There wasn't much medical supplies, but the EMT managed to remove the bullet. The only thing they could do about the broken arm was give him an arm sling. After all of that was done, the Avengers made a plan.

"Where are we going to next?" Carol looked at them. 

"Zemo's dead, and we have a bunch of Russians running around." Thor informed. 

"We don't know how many enemies are in the city, so we'll have to improvise." Rhodey commented. 

"Is the city still on lock down now that Zemo's dead?" Bucky was confused. 

"Probably. We don't know how long it will be until the city's open again." Steve nodded his head. 

"The Australian army has done a great deal of help." Sam acknowledged. 

"We just need to search the city for any remaining Russians." Thor whispered. 

The group headed off down the streets, keeping a lookout for anything suspicious. Carol walked right next to Thor, making sure he was okay.

"How are you doing Sparkles?" Carol looked at him. 

"Other then being exhausted, and my entire body being in pain, I say I'm doing great." Thor smiled. 

"Once we're done with this mess, you should take a long break."

"I've had worse."

"Like what?"

"Being tortured for five months was worse than this."

"I hate when you bring that up."

"At least I'm here with you now."

"I guess that's true."

"I did almost get flattened by a concrete slab like two hours ago."

"How in the hell did you manage to get out?"

"Used the last of my remaining strength to move it far enough to make a small opening so I could get out. Trying to move 4,500 pounds isn't easy with a broken arm."

"One of these days, you will actually get a break. It's been years since you've had a good vacation."

"I don't need a vacation when I have you."

Carol smiled widely, shaking her head. Thor chuckled a little bit, amused at her response. The group continued walking, still not spotting a single Russians. The streets were quiet, except for the occasional citizen. Sydney looked slightly abandoned since half the city had gotten demolished by missiles. 

"Have any of you seen anything suspicious in the last hour?" Bucky said. 

"Nope. It looks like they completely vanished." Steve looked around. 

"That's a bad thing." Rhodey said. 

"It's too quiet." Thor noted. 

"I'm waiting for them to ambush us." Sam mumbled. 

"Don't you dare jinx it Sam." Carol replied. 

"I wouldn't be surprised if that happened. It always does." Sam said quietly. 

The entire group kept walking along the street. Thor didn't even hesitate to release a bullet at one of the buildings. The Avengers immediately gripped their guns tight, sprinting to the nearest cover. Thor stood there, laughing at his friends.

"Why are you all hiding? Did none of you spot the Russian on that roof?" Thor chuckled. 

"One of these days..." Sam muttered. 

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