Chapter 132

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                                                   ...SIX MONTHS LATER...

"Is Thor going to make it?" Frigga wondered. 

"He called yesterday. He told he couldn't make it, but he did send a gift that should come today." Carol said. 

Carol continued to set up the gifts from everyone, still thinking about Thor. She was disappointed that he wasn't able to make it for Brie's first birthday, but the Air Force hadn't given either of them much options. 

"Are your other friends coming?" Frigga looked at her. 

"Yeah. They managed to get the day off just to be here." Carol nodded. 

"Did you see the cake Loki made for her? It's beautiful."

"She's going to love it."

"He spent all yesterday making it. It's quite a masterpiece."

"I didn't even know he could bake."

"I taught him when he was young. Thor on the other hand liked to overdo himself and make full meals. It was very convenient."

Carol chuckled in agreement, knowing full well he liked to overdo himself not just at cooking, but pretty much at everything else. Once she had finished with the gifts, she headed to the living room where everyone else was. 

"When are the other three coming?" Frigga looked at her. 

"In less then an hour. Steve said he was getting their gifts before hand." Carol noted. 

"What about Fury?"

"I don't even know what he's doing. He could be watching Goose, or doing something else."

"Good thing I still have the pager."

Carol turned it on, preparing to annoy the crap out of him. She wanted him to be here with the rest of the group. Plus, he still needed to give Goose back.

"Well Rhodey, looks like he needs you for something." Carol announced. 

"What's it this time?" Rhodey raised an eyebrow. 

"He refused to say anything."


"He needs you like right now."

"Tell him I'm coming."

Rhodey left the house, still wondering why he even needed him. Fury was a busy man so it was probably just something with Ross. Carol sat on the couch, waiting for everyone else to show up. As of right now, Loki had brought Sif, and she was the only other person then Odin and Frigga.

"Where's mini Captain Marvel? We've got gifts for her." Bucky said loudly. 

"She's with Loki and Sif. It's about time you three showed up." Carol sighed. 

Bucky set the gifts on the table, joining Steve and Sam on the other couch. They were all waiting on Fury and Rhodey.

"Is Thor actually going to be here?" Steve asked. 

"Nope. I swear Ross is really trying to make me hate him more then I already do." Carol muttered. 

"He's going to miss out." Bucky said. 

"He sent a gift that's supposed to come today." Carol informed them. 

"He doesn't have much options does he?" Loki questioned. 

"No." Carol shook her head. 

"That's disappointing." Sam said. 

"Well, it gives me a reason to punch Ross." Carol muttered. 

"Ross is just like Rumlow." Bucky continued. 

"Already beat the crap out of Rumlow." Carol said quickly. 

"I remember that day clearly. He still hates you guys." Steve chuckled. 

Carol smiled, remembering the memory of that night. It was years ago, but it was clear in her mind. Even if the party was not going to be the same without Thor, she tried to make the best of it. 

"You brought Goose with you?" Carol looked at him. 

"She wants to join too." Fury said. 

"Want to tell me why you needed Rhodey?"

"It's classified information."

"I feel like you're up to something."

Fury didn't even respond to her. He was really goo at keeping secrets, and it was no use trying to get him to tell. The entire group had already shown up, and now it was time to start the celebration. 

"Does Brie want cake or gifts first?" Loki wondered. 

"...gif..." Brie smiled at Loki. 

"She has chosen wisely." Sam grinned. 

"Who's gift is first?" Fury said. 

Steve didn't hesitate to hand Carol his gift. Carol placed it in front of Brie, who looked at it curiously. With a little help from Carol, everyone watched her open the gift. Steve had gotten her some Captain Marvel pajamas. Brie laughed like crazy, enjoying the gift. 

"The captain needs an outfit." Steve smiled. 

"Wait until she sees my gift." Bucky grinned. 

"She's way happier then me on a daily basis." Sam chuckled. 

"She's will beat you up if you're not careful." Carol smirked. 

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