Chapter 98

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"I brought more guests." Thor looked at his mom. 

"Come in." Frigga welcomed the group. 

The entire group walked into the house, getting used to their surroundings. Thor hugged his mom, introducing her to the others. 

"These are the rest of my friends I was telling you about." Thor continued talking.

"How's it going?" Sam wondered. 

"That is Sam Wilson." Thor said. 

Sam nodded and shook Frigga's hand. She smiled back at him, and moved on to meet the others.

"You've heard about Steve and Bucky." Thor said. 

"It's nice meeting you two." Frigga smiled at them. 

"Thank you." Steve said with kindness. 

Steve shook her hand. Bucky did the same thing. The group made their way to the dining room, and sat down. Odin joined them, meeting the others as well. Frigga had already made food for them, which was weird to Sam. The others were already used to it. 

"So these are the famous Avengers you were telling us about?" Odin wondered. 

"Yes. You two already met Carol and Rhodey. These are the rest of them." Thor nodded. 

"It's nice to have more guests over." Frigga smiled. 

"We didn't mean to barge in." Steve said. 

"You guys are fine. I enjoy the extra company. It's usually only your brother and you most of the time." Frigga answered. 

"It's nice to take a little time off every once in a while. All of us haven't had a decent vacation in a long time." Carol nodded. 

"The Air Force will do that to you." Thor smiled. 

The group ate their food in silence for a while, enjoying what Frigga had made. Thor looked back at Carol for a moment, trying to get her attention. She eventually noticed, but only responded with a smile. 

"It's oddly quiet in here." Sam said. 

"Everyone was enjoying the food Sam." Carol looked at him. 

"You're not used to all of this are you?" Frigga asked. 

"Not really, but I will eventually get used to it." Sam explained. 

"Wait until you guys meet Doug. He loves new people." Thor chuckled. 

"Do you have a dog?" Bucky wondered. 

"No. Doug's a kangaroo. It's way more exotic." Thor responded. 

"You have a pet kangaroo?" Steve looked confused. 

"I know, it's a little weird." Thor said. 

"You seem like a dog person." Sam shrugged. 

"Doug's even better." Thor grinned. 

They eventually finished their food, and moved to the backyard. Thor cleaned up the dinner before heading out as well. Doug immediately ran up to them, excited for the new people. 

"This is Doug." Thor introduced the group to Doug. 

"I'm waiting for one of them to get kicked." Carol smiled. 

"Doug wouldn't do that." 

"You sure about that? Sam and Bucky are the most likely people here."

"What about Steve?"

"Him too."

Carol sat on the back porch, watching everyone else. Thor sat right next to her, occasionally telling Doug to not kick his friends. Steve and Bucky ran around the yard, while Sam and Doug chased right after them. 

"Doug come here." Thor shouted. 

Doug stopped chasing them and went right to Thor. He scrubbed Doug's head, telling Doug it was bedtime. Doug immediately ran to his house that Thor had made all those years ago. 

"You trained him to listen to you?" Carol asked. 

"Kind of. Doug will only listen to me and I never really knew why." Thor explained. 

"That's kinda cool."

"You guys seemed to like him." Thor looked at his friends, slightly laughing. 

"Being chased by a kangaroo is actually kind of scary." Sam said. 

"It was funny to watch you guys." Carol chuckled. 

"You try being chased by Doug." Bucky answered. 

"I already have. It's not that bad." Carol smiled. 

"You are crazy then." Sam shook his head. 

The group went into the house, a little tired from everything they had done that day. Thor showed them their rooms, and headed to his. Carol followed right behind him.

"What are we doing tomorrow?" Carol looked at him. 

"Who knows. I haven't planned that far yet." Thor responded. 

"We should take them to Ayers Rock."

"That sounds like a good idea."

"Or Sydney."

"That too."

The entire house was completely silent, except for Carol and Thor's conversation. She looked out the window, staring at the ocean. The waves crashed against the shore, creating a calming sound. She eventually joined Thor after a while, enjoying being by his side. 

"We're missing one thing." Carol said. 

"What is that?" Thor wondered. 


"Too bad Fury has to watch her."

"Fury loves Goose. He would steal her if I wasn't watching."

"He loves that cat."

"I'm still convinced that Goose isn't even a cat."

"Me too."

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