Chapter 127

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Brie got up from her spot on the ground, where she watched her parents and other people in the room. She used the couch as support, and took a step. Surprisingly, she didn't fall. 

"...wak..." Brie laughed. 

She squealed loudly, happy that she was finally successful. Eventually she reached her parents halfway across the room, holding on Carol's legs for support. 

"She's learning really fast." Loki smiled. 

"In no time, she'll be running around." Carol nodded. 

Carol picked her up from the ground, kissing her on the head. Brie stared at everyone around her, trying to recognize a familiar face. 

"Did anyone hear the latest news?" Carol wondered. 

"About what?" Steve looked at her. 

"The Avengers are getting transferred back to Edwards tomorrow." Carol informed. 

"That will be nice." Bucky nodded. 

"That's if you don't get transferred to Kalaikunda first." Thor joined in. 

"Why the hell are we getting transferred there?" Sam was confused. 

"Ross. He either sends you there, or you stay at Edwards." Thor stated. 

"This is Russian Roulette on crack." Bucky muttered. 

"When we get back to California, I going to have a few words with him." Thor said. 

"Have fun with that." Rhodey shook his head. 

"He did call you a terrorist at one point." Steve folded his arms. 

"Well, I don't feel like getting separated from my family." Thor said without hesitation. 

"Hopefully we don't." Carol looked at him. 

The Avengers finished packing up their things. Once everything was in the Stark plane, Thor went to say goodbye to his parents before leaving.

"Hopefully we'll be back soon." Thor informed. 

"Good luck on the transfer." Odin nodded. 

"I'm praying I don't get separated from Carol." Thor told them. 

"It's going to be hard if you do." Frigga replied. 

"Now that I have a family to take care of, my job is going to get a lot worse." Thor continued. 

"If you ever need us, we'll be here." Frigga smiled. 

Thor hugged both of his parents, and went back to the plane. Everyone else got ready to leave for California, fairly happy that they were finally going back to America.

"Are we good to leave?" Thor wondered. 

"Yup." Steve nodded. 

"When we get back to Edwards, who's up to punch Ross in the face?" Carol called out. 

"I think we all are, but that's pretty much asking to get kicked out." Sam smiled. 

"Well, there's not much we can do other then that." Bucky said. 

"If we do end up getting split up, we all need to at least keep in touch." Rhodey stated. 

"I'm still wondering what the classified operation is." Bucky continued. 

"It's classified for a reason Bucky." Carol looked at him. 

"I know that." Bucky said. 

"The only people who know about it are the ones who end up there." Steve said. 

"The Air Force is completely changing." Rhodey muttered. 

"Considering Ross is now commander of Edwards, that isn't really surprising." Thor shook his head. 

"I really wish we could just go back to testing planes." Carol sighed. 

"Me too." Thor looked at her. 

"We all do." Sam answered. 

The Avengers sat in the plane silently, thinking about everything. Brie happily sat in Fury's lap, staring at him. He smiled at her, even though he was the most serious person out of all of them. He didn't mind entertaining her, let alone watching her. The two of them were pretty much best friends despite the age difference. 

"...fuwy?" Brie asked. 

"Yup. That's me." Fury smiled. 


"No, I go by Fury."


"That works to."

Brie laughed at his reaction, finding it quite amusing that he hated the name. Carol and Thor smiled at him, both finding it just as hilarious that she decided to call him Nick instead of Fury.

"This is the most entertaining thing I've seen all day." Carol chuckled. 

"I'm surprised he isn't even mad at her." Thor laughed. 

"If he even tried, Brie would beat his butt."

"True. She may be small, but she doesn't take crap from anyone."

"Sounds like a specific someone here."

Thor smiled at Carol, and the both of them started laughing randomly. Everyone else was quiet, waiting until the plane landed in three hours. Brie had fell asleep on Fury's lap, which was quite adorable. He tried not to move much, not wanting to wake her up. 

"Looks like we found another babysitter for her." Carol said. 

"Fury seems to be happy watching Brie." Thor shrugged. 

"We still need to get Goose back."

"That too."

"And deal with the whole Ross issue as well."

"Yeah, that's going to take a while."

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