Chapter 94

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Carol opened her eyes, yawing widely. She realized she had fell asleep, and immediately stood up from the hospital bed. Thor was still sleeping, and hadn't moved from his current position.

"You're finally awake. I thought you died." Steve smiled. 

"I'm not that lucky." Carol replied. 

"Don't worry. He didn't wake up."

"I want him to."

"It's been months and he hasn't woken up."

"If you even say he could be dead, I'm going to slap you."

"That's not what I was going to say."

"It sure sounded like it."

"I was going to say he could wake up anytime now."

Carol gave Steve an annoyed look, but he didn't respond. He was too busy sending Fury an text. The Avengers were supposed to be doing a training exercise but it was postponed since Thor was still in a coma. It was silent for a few minutes until Steve started talking again.

"Fury wants the Avengers in the meeting room." Steve announced. 

"Tell him I'm am not leaving this room." Carol folded her arms. 

"He's going to get real mad at that."

"Just do it. Until I'm dead or he wakes up, this is where I'll stay."

"If he yells at me, it's all your fault."

Steve sent another text, waiting for Fury's response. His face turned from smiling to frowning in seconds. Carol didn't say anything, and it went back to quiet.

"He's mad." Steve rolled his eyes. 

"He'll have to deal with me then." Carol responded. 

"I'm not getting involved in this."

"You don't have to."

Carol had a large smile on her face, despite the fact she was going to get in big trouble. Her and Fury had been friends for years, so she could handle him. Then again, she didn't mind getting yelled at occasionally. 

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" Fury looked at Carol. 

"I already told you several times over the last week. I'm not leaving this room until he wakes up." Carol declared. 

"You're a real pain in the butt you know that?" Fury folded his arms. 

"Not the first time I've heard that." Carol smiled. 

"It won't be the last either." Steve added. 

"The Avengers are going to have to wait. This is more important." Carol continued. 

"Now I really wish you and him weren't a thing." Fury looked at her. 

"First off, I am going to ignore what you just said, and second, you're just jealous that I care about something more than work." Carol smirked. 

"I'm not jealous. You're too attached to him." Fury said. 

"Thor's is my top priority other than work. If anything happens to him, I couldn't care less about what happens to my job. That's the least of my worries."

"You've changed way too much."

"Why does everyone keep saying that? I am the same Carol I always was. Just because I care more for Thor than anything else does not mean I changed."

"That's not what we're saying. You're a lot more closed about your emotions. I haven't seen you this sad in ages."

"Considering my boyfriend is currently in a coma, I wouldn't blame myself for any of this."

"You need help."

"I do not. I'll just stay here until he wakes up. Until then, don't bother me."

Carol folded her arms, showing that she was serious. Fury rolled his eyes, finally accepting that she would not leave this room. Steve stood outside, trying not to get involved. The three of them stood there silently staring at each other. 

"Why do you always have to be this stubborn?" Fury asked. 

"I can't help it. That's just how I am." Carol said. 

"I don't know how we haven't killed each other yet."

"Why would I kill my friend? Everyone knows that you are the most feared person out there."

"You're coming close."

"Please Fury. If we had to group people here, you'd be on your own list."

"How long has she been in this room?" Fury looked at Steve. 

"She's hasn't left this room in exactly two weeks, four days, nine hours, five minutes, and three seconds." Steve answered. 

"That's a little creepy." Carol looked at him. 

"I was really sure you'd give up after week one." Steve shrugged. 

"I'm still here." Carol rolled her eyes. 

Higher Further Faster (Universe 13,400,063)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora