Chapter 66

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"Welcome to Al Anad." Colonel Philips greeted the Avengers. 

"It looks like it has seen better days." Thor shrugged. 

"Ever since the Ten Rings got control of Sana'a, they have been blowing this place to pieces." He continued. 

"Good thing we are here." Steve said. 

Colonel Philips lead the group to an area filled with tents. Several soldiers ran around, yelling orders. Everyone seemed to be in a hurry, even the Avengers themselves. 

"This is where everyone is staying. Not exactly a five star hotel but it's what we've got." Colonel Philips looked at the group. 

"I've seen worse." Bucky responded. 

"This is where most of the military is currently. We've got groups everywhere. Your group will be stationed here until further notice."  Colonel Philips nodded. 

"Gives us time to get used to all of this." Sam said. 

"Five am is breakfast. Don't be late or you will miss it." Colonel Philips informed. 

"Back to the good old days." Rhodey smiled. 

"I've got important stuff to do. You guys are in area five." He said quickly. 

Colonel Philips left the Avengers and headed towards the main center. When they got to area five, it was fairly empty. Only a few people were actually there. 

"These tents are about to fall apart." Sam noted. 

"That's what we said when we got here." Pinkerton looked at them. 

"Who are you guys?" Steve asked. 

"We call ourselves the Howling Commandos." Morita commented. 

"We're the Avengers." Thor nodded. 

"I'm Percival Pinkerton. This is Timothy 'Dum Dum' Dugan. The rest of our group consists of Jim Morita, Gabe Jones, Jacques Dernier, James Falsworth, Samuel Sawyer, and Jonathan Juniper." Pinkerton continued. 

"I'm James 'War Machine' Rhodes. These guys are Sam 'Falcon' Wilson, Steve 'Captain America' Rogers, James 'Bucky' Barnes, Thor 'Thunder' Odinson, and Carol 'Avenger' Danvers." Rhodey explained. 

"Hello guys." Dugan smiled. 

"Looks like we are going to be great friends." Steve said happily. 

"If you guys want, you can join us in a card game. Bucky brought cards with him." Sam informed them. 

"Sounds great. We've been stuck here for days now." Juniper noted. 

"How's the war been going for you?" Bucky wondered. 

"Fairly well. We've managed to survive." Jones declared. 

"You're the lucky ones." Steve said. 

The Avengers and the Howling Commandos started to play a card game, leaving Carol and Thor to explore their surroundings.

"This is going to be one tough month." Thor said quietly. 

"We'll get through it like we always do." Carol smiled at him. 

"Hopefully we will be together the entire time. I don't want to be split up."

"If they do split us up, it is going to be hard, but we will be okay."

"Every time we go on missions like these ones, I am always fearing that one of us will end up badly hurt or even dead."

"Have any of us died?"

"No, but it could happen."

"As long as I have you, nothing could ever kill me."

"That's sweet."

"You're my only motivation right now."

"So are you."

Thor smiled at Carol's words. She held his hand the entire time they walked around the base. People were running everywhere, and distant explosions were a normal thing. When they got back to their tents, Rhodey had managed to win the poker game.

"Good game." Morita shook Sam's hand. 

"I have played before." Sam nodded. 

"You're a very good player." 

"So are you." 

"We should play again."


Thor sat down in his tent, listening to the voices of his friends. Carol sat right next to him. It was going to be a long night for the two of them, but they didn't mind. As long as they had each other, everything would be alright.

"I can't wait for tomorrow." Carol said happily. 

"Wonder what we are going to do." Thor smiled. 

"Air support probably."

"Or we are going to stay here like the Howling Commandos."

"Either one works."

"Once this all ends, are you up for a drink at Pancho's?"

"I always am. We still need to make up that one night."

"True. I will be counting the days until we get there."

Carol smiled as she rested her head against Thor's chest. They stared at the night sky from the tent, watching the many stars glow in the dark. They could hear Sam and Gabe argue over something, which made the both of them laugh quietly.

"I love you Sparkles." Carol whispered. 

"I love you too." Thor responded softly. 

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