Chapter 64

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The alarm clock buzzed loudly, waking both Thor and Carol up. He turned it off and laid there. It was three in the morning, and he was still tired. 

"It's way too early." Carol mumbled. 

Carol rubbed her eyes, trying to wake up. She laid in his arms, not even wanting to get up. Thor yawned loudly, causing her to smile. The both of them sat there silently for a good five minutes. Thor eventually got up from the bed, and waited for Carol. 

"Come on Captain Marvel." Thor stood there waiting for her. 

She smiled and followed him to the kitchen. Goose sneezed before hopping up on the counter. She meowed loudly, wanting to be fed. 

"She's has way too much energy." Carol looked directly at Goose. 

"She's probably not a cat." Thor responded. 

Thor placed Goose's food bowl on the ground, and sat down at the table.

"What are you feeling for breakfast?" Thor asked. 

"I don't know." Carol replied, half asleep. 

"So you want crickets in a bed of lettuce?"

"No. Why would I want that?"

"You were being vague."

"I wouldn't mind some bagels."

Thor opened the fridge, pulling out the bagels and several types of cream cheese.

"I got several types of cream cheese because I didn't know which one you wanted." Thor smiled. 

"You already know strawberry is my favorite." Carol smirked. 

"And? You could've asked for a different one."

He took the bagels out of the toaster and started putting the cream cheese on both of them. When he was done, Thor put them on a plate. He placed it right in front of Carol before making himself some.

"I am really not looking forward to this mission." Carol looked at him. 

"None of us are. But it could be fun." Thor responded. 


"We'll finish the mission and come back here. It's that simple."

"Anything could happen though."

"You'll be right by my side. I could care less about what happens."

"We are going to demolish those idiots."

"Just me and you?"


"What about the rest of the Avengers?"

"They'll help too. You and I will do most of the work."

"They can do some as well."

"It's more fun when we do it though."

"There's the confident Carol I know."

"I'm always confident."

"Are you though?"


"I'm joking with you. Of course you are."

"So sarcastic."

Thor gave her his adorable smile. She started laughing so hard, she made Goose jump.

"You okay there?" Thor smiled. 

"I'm fine." Carol chuckled. 

She kept laughing, which started to make Thor laugh. 

"I don't know why we are laughing right now." Carol laughed. 

"Your laugh is contagious." Thor grinned. 

"You know that smile always gets me."

"I just wanted to see you smile."

"Well you made me laugh."

"That's even better."

"We have to leave in thirty minutes."

"I hate this already."

"We're going to be fine."

Thor kissed Carol and headed towards his room. He took a quick shower, because he didn't have time for a long one. Once the both of them were ready to leave, Goose ran towards them. She didn't want them to leave but they had to.

"We'll be back buddy." Carol pet Goose. 

"MEOOOOWWWW!!!!!" Goose yowled. 

"We know." Thor said. 

They both got into Thor's car, and drove towards the base. Thor kept laughing at Carol's really bad singing, and even joined in on one of the songs. His singing was a little bit better then hers but was still way out of tune. 

"I can't tell who's singing is worse." Thor smiled. 

"It's probably mine." Carol shrugged. 

"Your's was great. My was way out of tune."

"You don't want to make me feel bad."

"Mine was way worse then yours was."

"Was it though?"

Thor rolled his eyes while smiling. They got closer to the base just as the Sun started to turn the sky from a dark black to a light red. He parked the car, and got out. It was completely silent except for a few chirping crickets. They headed towards the east hangar, a little excited for what was going to happen.

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