Chapter 84

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Carol jumped off the building, hoping to catch Thor. She had tears in her eyes, and tried to ignore the pain. Thor didn't move as he free fell in the sky. The two of them got closer in the sky, and she managed to grab his hand. By then, the ground was getting really close. She pulled the parachute, still holding Thor in her arms.

"What are you doing?!" Sam yelled. 

She landed on the ground, falling onto her knees. She had completely given up and just let the tears fall from her eyes. The rest of the group joined her on the ground, sadness filling the area. 

"I'm so sorry..." Rhodey said quietly. 

"....Thor...." Carol begged, hoping he wasn't dead. 

She looked down at him with sad eyes, hoping he would respond. He didn't move any, making the pain in her worse. 

"" Carol pleaded. 

There was only silence between all of them, quietly mourning the loss of their friend. Carol looked at her boyfriend, sobbing loudly. His eyes were open, capturing the fear he had when he fell. The Avengers knelt on the ground, lowering their heads in respect. 

"Farewell my old friend." Steve lowered his head in respect. 

"Should we call the Colonel?" Bucky said with hesitation. 

"That's the only choice we have now." Sam responded. 

Rhodey called him, telling him that the mission had been completed, but with one casualty. The US had sent several planes to their location, and all they had to do was wait. 

"The US is coming." Rhodey informed them. 

"How long?" Steve asked. 

"An hour at most. Until then we have to wait." Rhodey answered. 

"Strucker's still around here somewhere." Sam warned. 

"Good thing we have time. He's our new target." Rhodey said. 

"We can't leave him here." Bucky looked at him. 

"Carol and Sam are staying here. The rest of us are going." Rhodey continued. 

"Screw the plan. I'm going to hunt down that f***ing asshole myself." Carol said suddenly. 

"What are you doing Carol?" Sam was confused. 

"That jackass deserves to die. I won't stop until that asshole has a bullet in his head." Carol said with rage. 

Carol wiped the tears from her eyes, and left the group. Anger filled her brain with only one thought. Kill Strucker. She ignored everyone else and left to hunt him down. By now he would have been halfway across the city but she knew several shortcuts. 

"You are not going alone." Rhodey stopped her before she could leave. 

"I'm the one to do this. If I die, at least I will have put a bullet in his brain." Carol didn't even look at him. 

"I'm not losing another friend."

"There's nothing else to live for. I don't want to live in a world without Thor."

"You don't have to do this."

"Dying today is the least of my problems."

She left the group, raging with anger. Her emotions consisted of anger and sadness. It was her only motivation now. Strucker would pay for what he had done, and it wouldn't be pretty. She noticed a few Russians heading out of the building, and immediately shot all of them in the head without thinking. 

"МЫ ПОЛУЧИЛИ ВРАГА!" A Russian yelled. 


"ПОЖАР НА ЭТОЙ ЖЕНЩИНЕ!" Another Russian shouted. 


The Russians fired at Carol, trying to kill her. She was better trained than they were which gave her a large advantage. She killed all of them within seconds, still heading towards Strucker. She grabbed one of the Russians on the ground, and held him up to a wall. 

"Где Струкер?" Carol said with complete anger. 

(Where is Strucker?)

"Иди к черту!" The Russian smirked at her. 

(Go to hell!)

Carol punched him in the face, not liking the answer she had just got. 

"Где он? Я не собираюсь говорить вам снова." Carol yelled. 

(Where is he? I'm not going to tell you again.)

"Давно прошли." The Russian responded. 

(Long gone.)

He smiled back at her, purposely trying to make her mad. She stabbed him in the head and continued her search. It wasn't long before she was surrounded by Russians. They all aimed their guns at her, yelling in Russian.

"СНИМИТЕ ОРУЖИЕ!" Another Russian ordered. 


She smiled back at them, quickly making a plan in her head. It was eight to one. The odds were against her, but she didn't care that much. She punched one of them in the face, avoiding the bullets that came at her. Within a few minutes, all the Russians were dead on the ground. She ignored the bullet wound in her arm, which was bleeding fairly bad. 

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