Opposite Sides AU (Part 1)

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Mostly focused on Thomas, then the opposite! Sides. Started being written by a sleep deprived author, lying in bed with stained sweatpants at like 12:00 AM.

Edit: Now about 1 PM.

Don't mind me just adding my Oc 'The Purifier/Switcher' for the beginning

Speaker: The Purifier

I'll let you in on a lil secret. When the King 'split' (I still feel sorry for him) his mind and consciousness faded into a small entity. I call him 'Wish'. He sorta just sits in the void, waiting for his time to grant the biggest wish Thomas, and only Thomas, thinks of. 

He sort of just waits to throw Thomas in an alternate universe I guess. I'm not exactly sure of his thought process, but my counterpart...might?


 Thomas chewed the back of his pen, writing down the ideas his fanciful trait had suggested. He could also hear Logan shouting at Virgil to get of the TV. He could hear Roman's pencil scribbling furiously and Patton pointing out spelling errors quietly. 

He could also hear some questionable things from Janus and Remus, but he shuddered and shut those sounds away. He chewed his bottom lip and begun to wonder about how he sides would look and act in an AU. He made a sub-conscious wish just then. 

The King obviously found it to be amusing to throw Thomas in an Opposite! AU. Pretty sure he was just cackling. And the King was delighted to just throw Thomas through realities.

He felt dizzy and he stood up. He stumbled and fell. He just kept falling until he felt a coldness against his cheek. He pushed himself up, and was greeted by Virgil, but so different. His clothes were softer pastel colours and his face was lacking the super dark eye shadow, just a slight dark grey. 

'He's up, Jan!" Virgil called out, withdrawing his hand that he'd been poking Thomas with. Janus approached. He still had his strange snake face, but his outfit had white and yellow, rather than yellow and black.

"Who are you?" 'Janus' asked, his snake eye seemingly searching for any possible lies the stranger would say.

"Uh, my name is Thomas Sanders.."

P.O.V: Honesty! Janus

I didn't taste a lie, which was very confusing. This was not our Thomas, our Thomas was doing god knows what. 

"How..?" Virgil asked, confused, looking from me to the strange Thomas. 

'Thomas' sat up woozily. He wore a Steven Universe shirt, and he seemed much more of a goofball than our Thomas was.

"Serenity, put him on the couch, I don't think he'll be able to stand from..that fall." I sighed, rubbing my temples. Virgil may be Serenity, but he could be very...let's just say excited at times. 

"Fine, honesty!"

'Thomas' had his mouth gaping open. 



"I have my sides, that are you, but not? My Virgil is Anxiety and my..snek boi Janus is Deceit."

I wrinkled my nose. I swear Wish was up to something again. Remus popped in and Thomas seemed genuinely surprised.

"Excuse my french but.. qui diable est-il?!" Remus yelled, sharing a look with Thomas of absolute horror.

What? Me procrastinating with like 10 drafts? For uncompleted one-shot series? Pfft, you are absolutely right. Writer's block is horrible, managed to squeeze this from the depths of procrastination.  

Sorry for not updating an actual chapter or a chapter for a few days..hours? I've lost track of time..

Remus is more calm in this AU, he just has dark and dirty humour. He doesn't really like mentioning Roman because Roman does not like being accidentally summoned.

Janus is just a tired mum here, who sort of separated the dark from the lights. Not on purpose, of course. 

Virgil is much more calm, but his snarky and sarcastic attitude is intact, don't worry!

Patton is repression. Might seem bad when you hear it, but he mostly just subdues the sides from just ruining Opposite! Thomas' life in the heat of the moment. Bit gloomier, but still makes a lot of puns. Sad Dad.

Roman is Insecurity. Duh. He has his original design, and then I plan to switch it UP with the new costume i drew when they get their new costumes/outfits. He doesn't like being looked at, and the blindfold only hides his BeauTiFul eyes because not only is he insecure about them, if he stares or makes eye contact with you, insecurity just WASHES over you in a tsunami.

(Thanks @CEM0414 for the idea with Insecurity! Roman's eyes being pretty)

Logan. Control. Self explanatory. Opposite! Thomas is like an edge lord soo he doesn't like control much. Logan is also a tired mum. He keeps Roman and Patton (rarely Patton) in check. 

I got too distracted on AO3 today. I wasted three hours reading instead of writing-

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