More of the PJO AU

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Romulus and Remus shared a look and decided being kidnapped was better than being mauled by that weird thing. 

They followed the man quickly. They went past the tree and the wind stopped whipping and the sun shone. They stopped their quick run. There was a volleyball net. AND PEOPLE WERE JUSt PLAYING?????

"Welcome to Camp Half-Blood" 

"What. The. FACK"

Romulus stayed quiet, eyes wide and he was violently shaking. He promptly fainted.

Remus cursed. 

"That ain't good"

Romulus woke up on a couch. He frowned and sat up. He immediately regretted it. His head throbbed. He noticed a man on a horse. No, wait, he was the horse?

"A centaur!" He gasped, and he winced at the sound of his own voice. It was scratchy and raw. 

"Ah, you're awake. Would you like a cup of water?" The centaur asked.

"Oh-um- yeah, thanks."

As Romulus sipped his water, Chiron explained.

"We suspect, or rather are pretty sure, you and your brother are demigods"

Romulus spit out his water in surprise. 

"Wait- A DemIgoD?!"

"Ah. Yes, I understand this may be a shock to you. What is your name?"

Romulus eyed him warily. Who could be this nice and offer such a believable explanation? He called BS. But if he was going to die here, might as well be dumb.




"Ah. Alright. I am Chiron."

Just then, the doors could be heard being knocked down and frantic voices.

Remus came in, brandishing his baseball bat,




They had a short reunion and they were moved to the Hermes cabin

People speculated they were children of Apollo. They were musically and artistically talented, so it checked out.

Capture the flag came up. The Hermes cabin and Ares against the Phobos and Athena cabins.

Romulus was about to be captured when he tried to talk it out. 

"Hey, hey, hey, I'm just a small fry! How about you leave me alone?" His voice sounded strangely confident and not as desperate as he felt.

The strange boy with eyeshadow underneath his eyes blinked and looked very conflicted.


"Uhm, WHy AM I SayIng THis, Okay???"

Romulus eyes widened with surprise. So did the boy's.

Just then the could hear the excited screams of maniacal joy. Remus was ploughing through the enemy's ranks and above his head was a symbol. 


The emo boy pointed above Romulus' head, and Romulus recognised the sign of Aphrodite.


Roman Sanders One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now