Perks of Having a Delinquent Brother

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Just wondering, Americans, do you, like, throw your bag in your locker and the start of the school day and then take it out afterwards? I'm writing this because I attend and Australian private school and that's what I do. And since this is set in America- ngh nevermind. I'll get on with the story

Roman has a stutter in this story :)

TW: Bullying, toxic masculinity, sorta physical violence

Roman hummed softly, taking out his bag from his locker. He was just about to close it when he felt a looming figure behind him. He turned around and gulped, clutching his flyers to his chest.

Mr Big and Scary (Roman never bothered to learn his name) snatched the flyers.

He snorted, "You're trying out for ballet and theatre? What are you, a girl?"

Roman flushed with embarrassment. He managed to stutter out, "C-Ch-Chill out, I- I dunn-no what you wa-ant."

The buff dude snorted and pushed Roman to the side. A few kids were watching, and in typical jerk behaviour, began filming and laughing. Roman felt tears brim his eyes and he fought to keep control over his tears.

He grabbed his things hastily and ran to the back of the school. He took out a compact mirror and studied the bruise forming on his wrist. How did that even happen? Maybe because he fell on it.

He heard a familiar, "Ah, hello Mr Boring Pants"

He turned to Remus with a quivering lip. Remus' face flashed to anger.

Remus had been suspended for multiple events like satanic rituals and trying to light the school on fire. He seemed to have no logic or common sense and just went with it, usually screaming profanities into large crowds and at cops just trying to get home.

Remus was a delinquent, to say the least.

So Roman would laugh at Remus later on at screaming profanities and death threats to the school because he didn't know exactly who had caused his older twin to be sad.

Sorry it was short. I've been stalling a bit on my story, and the end of this book is fast approaching.

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