Steve Rogers X Reader - Golden Touch

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A/N - This chapter is based off of the song 'Golden Touch' by Razorlight. It's a little short, but I Hope you all enjoy it.

You released a deep sigh, curled tightly into Steve's side. You were still supposed to be out with some old college friends, drinking yourself half to death on one of your monthly get togethers. But here you were, at only 11 PM, with your head resting on his shoulder. It would have been nice if you had come home by choice. 

"Are you going to tell me what happened?" Steve hummed, his hand shifting to run over you arm, a gentle touch that you had grown so used to over the last few years. 

You glanced up at him for a moment, your neck at an uncomfortable angle as you attempted to force a smile. "What do you mean?" 

Steve sighed, sitting up slightly so that you had to look at him properly. "You were supposed to be home until tomorrow morning, Sweetheart, and you were barely gone two hours. Don't get me wrong, I love having you here, but something clearly happened." 

Your half-arsed smile dropped immediately, replaced with a soft frown. "I wasn't feeling it," you uttered, drawing your legs up underneath yourself as you put some distance between the two of you on the sofa. "Didn't want to be a buzzkill." 

"Please don't lie to me." The words left him so quietly that you barely heard them, swallowing deeply when you finally looked into his face. 

"They told me to leave. Took me out of the group chat, blocked me on social media. They don't want me around anymore," you murmured, attempting to force away the tears that were so desperate to escape. 

"Oh, Angel-"

"Apparently, I've really changed since college," you continued, brushing off his comment effortlessly. "They said that ever since I started working with Tony I've become difficult," you added, forcing a watery eyed smile. These girls had been your friends for years, and sure, you'd all had your fall outs, but it had never been so final before. 

Steve released a soft breath, reaching out to pull you into him. "I'm sorry, Sweetheart," he muttered, still searching for the right thing to say to comfort you. He had met your friends before. God, he'd seen them less than a month ago and everything had seemed perfectly normal.

"It's so stupid," you choked out, a broken sound that was almost painful for Steve to hear. "We're adults, we're not supposed to be the same people we were when we were eighteen."

"Everyone changes," he agreed, his hand shifting to run down your back in a soothing gesture. "It's not a bad thing, Angel, they just don't like that you're actually doing something worthwhile now." He paused for a moment, pressing a gentle kiss to your shoulder. "You used to be a little party animal, if the stories I've heard are anything to go by, and now you've become someone with responsibilities and a job that is actually going somewhere. That's nothing to be ashamed of." 

You nodded against him, your hands fisted into his t-shirt. "But they hate me now." 

"If they don't like the idea of you living a good life so much that they hate you for it, are they really the kind of people you want to be friends with?"

You shook your head, feeling him pull you even closer to him, tucking your head under his chin as he let out a soft sigh. 

"It still really sucks to lose friends, huh?" he uttered, drawing a soft sniffle out of you. "It'll get better, Sweetheart. Give it time."

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