(Side story 2) Firework Fright

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Garroth P.O.V


"Oh no!" I say out loud as Zane and I both leave our rooms and give each other worried looks.

"Fireworks?" Vylad says as he bursts out his room, though we all already know the answer. We all quick rush over to Y/n's room with a.


As the door hits the wall, to find the room. Empty. Well empty as in no Y/n, the room is still messy with more things on the floor than trees in a forest.

"Y/n?" Zane calls out as he starts searching frantically in all the usual places she likes to hide. Like under her desk, in her bed, on top of closet and by the radiator. That last one isn't really a hiding place but it's warm so she likes it there.

"You checked under desk?" Vylad asks.

"Yes, of course I did!" Zane shouts.

"Zane calm down, panicking isn't going to help" I say, trying to reassure him.

"Garroth you dolt. The only important thing is to find Y/n. Wherever she is, she's gonna be freaking out and scared"

"Well, maybe it was only one firework" Vylad says.


"Never mind, we got to find here" Vylad says as he starts to panic and joins Zane in his frantic searching.

"Guys wait, lets just call her" I say, causing Vylad and Zane to freeze, both eagerly awaiting a response.

Ring Ring! Ring Ring!

"Garroth turn your phone down" Zane utters out.

I take a deep breath in, then out. "That's not my phone"

We all look towards the window to find Y/n's phone on the floor. Vylad walks over and picks it up, declining my call. "Now what do we do?" He asks.

We all take a second to think. "What about Lucinda?" Zane asks.

"Good idea" I say as I start scrolling through my contacts to find her.

Ring ring! Ring ring!

"It's ringing" I say.

"Of course it is, we can all here it" Zane shouts.

"Sorry" I mumble out.

"Shut it, both of you" Vylad interrupts.

Ring ring! ring Ring!

"You've reached Lucinda, I'm not able to take your call right now cause I'm probably busy playing with my cat or doing something magic related, you can leave a message after the beep but I never check my voicemails so there's no point"

"Damn, went to voicemail" I comment.

"We know, we all heard" Zane spits out, clearly frustrated.


"Any ideas?" Vylad asks.

"Maybe she's with Aph? Or Kawaii-Chan? Come on, I know the way to Aph's" I say as I leave and start heading down stairs, with Zane following quickly behind me.

"Shouldn't we just call them?" Vylad shouts from upstairs, or more accurately he's ignored from upstairs.

Aphmau P.O.V

"So basically, the school musical is just gonna be a high school musical type thing" Katelyn says, while sitting on my bed.

"Kawaii-Chan is so excited. Though Kawaii-Chan is still sad that Y/n-Senpai can't be a part" Kawaii-Chan says with a small pout on her face.

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