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Kurt's POV:

I pulled into the car park and checked the time- Karofsky would still be here. Usually, I would have waited until I was sure that he was gone but, this time, I couldn't. Santana needs me. She has been there for me through so much, I need to face this to get to her. 

To Cedes:
Hey girl, are you still with Santana? I've just arrived.

From Cedes:

Yeah, we are still all in the girls bathroom. Q and I have taken up guarding the door as I'm pretty sure Brittana forgot we were there.

I smiled at her using the ship name we came up with for them

From Cedes:
Are you really coming in? Is it safe?

To Cedes:

don't have a choice Ced, Santana needs me to be there so I'm going to be.

From Cedes:
Be careful, K, you don't know where he will be.

I took a deep breath and made my way inside. The good thing about being bullied so much is that you pick up the best ways to get to places without being noticed. I am almost at the entrance to where my friends are when the one of the people I didn't want to see turned the corner- Mr Schue.

"Heyy Kurt!" He says with a huge smile on his face. I hoped in my time gone he would have developed a sense of style, but no- he's still wearing the sweater vests. "What are you doing back here? Not spying I hope," he said with a wink. Teachers should not wink at their students- former or not does not matter. He is a creep and he shouldn't be allowed around children. However, for some reason, we all love him.

"No, I am actually here to see Santana." He looked at me confused.

"Really?" he asked, "I thought she would have been one of the last people that you wanted to see. Wasn't she one of the main reasons you left?"

"No. She is one of the reasons I stayed so long. She is a really good friend and person if you get to know her. Do you know what happened to her today?"

"Yes. I was in the room."

"And you just let it happen?" I said, outraged. Finn is my brother and I love him, but even I can't just look past what he did.

"Well...yes. I thought that it could be a good lesson. She makes everyone else feel bad so maybe she should understand what it is like to get your own feelings hurt. And Brittany's reaction was completely out of proportion, I mean Brittany is going to have to be suspended for slapping Finn." Britt slapped Finn, that's my unicorn! 

"Are you fucking kidding me with this shit right now?"


"No! I am sorry for my language, I really am, but you actually think that this is acceptable? Your lesson was just another example of how Finn gets away with everything. He broke her. Nobody gets to choose when you come out, that is something that is yours- it is when you finally accept yourself. She should not have been forced out because she is 'a bit mean' every so often. She was not ready!"


"And also, Santana is one of the best people I have ever met! She was the one that got me through everything before I left. She taught me how to be strong. That girl puts everyone before herself. She tries so hard to be what everyone else needs her to be. She loves so much, but it is things like this that mean that she cannot trust. The world is such a dark place that she builds her walls up to keep from getting hurt- she has been hurt so many times before, she is hurting. That is why she insults you all, to stop people from trying to get in. She thinks that if she is mean to you first then you won't even try. You should have done something Mr Schue, like I have told you before, you are just one of many teachers in this school who are so quick to let homophobia slide. Do something. Change the rules. You talk a good game about Glee Club being inclusive, but just because there are people there of different sexualities and ethnicities, etc, does not mean that they feel like they are actually a part of the group. Now if you will excuse me, I am going to go and find my best friend!" I said and walked away. Why are people so wilfully ignorant?

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