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Brittany's POV:

It's been a week since San and I started our adventure in New York- half our time is now gone- and I can honestly say that it has been the best time that we have ever had. Of course, every moment dating Santana, or even just spending time together as friends like we used to do, is magical. But this is like every small thing we do is ten times the awesomeness. I wish we could stay here forever, but that's obviously impractical- we don't have Lord Tubbington.

New Years Eve was probably one of the highlights for me- and not even just because of all the sweet lady kisses we shared. I assumed that San would want to go out to some big club or bar party, or do the most touristy thing and go to Times Square. Of course, I would have been happy with any option because Santana is my favourite person, and I would do anything to please her. The main thing for me was that she insisted that she didn't need any big spectacle with other tourists or people that live here- she just wanted to spend the day cuddling with me.

I made sure that she wrote a list of resolutions too. We actually did it while on facetime to Ashley and Lord Tubbington- he has been so troubled this past year with drugs, gambling and his awful gang, that he needs to set goals for himself which are legally binding. He believes that they are, and tries to stick with it because of that factor. I don't really understand it because he doesn't seem to care with his drug and alcohol abuse- it's like he doesn't even realise he is underage. However, as he thinks that it is against the law to not meet your goals, I don't tell him the truth to maximise the odds of success. It's strange lying to him, but it has to be done.

Santana was a little reluctant to write them, though. She did it eventually, but she never let me see. It's strange because we don't keep too much from each other, but I guess I understand it. She needs some things to be private, and I'll always accept that.

Mine were simple. Other than a lot of sweet lady kisses, I really just wanted to improve my grades so that I can at least graduate, and work on my relationships with my friends.

There is another one, and it is probably the one that is most important to me; I need to make as many good memories with San as I can. School ends in like six months, and I don't know what is going to happen after that. Of course, all I want to do is spend my life with her, but situations change. She might not want me when we're not at McKinley, or something else sad like that, or maybe things will just get too hard without the protection and routine of high school. My point is, if I don't do everything I've always wanted to do with the one true love of my life (except like marriage and kids because we are way too young for that, no offence, Quinn) then I will regret it in the future. If we do end up separating, I never want to look back at this amazing time in my life and regret the things that we did and did not do. She is the one person who never fails to keep me happy, and I will never love anyone as much as her- I need to remember the best things because there is always a chance that we won't have any new ones after a certain time.

The evening was, of course, filled with sex and all the other things that being in a hotel room instead of our bedroom at home allows. It's the best thing to be able to be as loud as we like, without having to worry about anyone hearing us- at least not someone we know.

We even had one of those tiny alcohol bottles each from the minibar. Usually we wouldn't dare go near those things, especially as we have drinks from a shady store that accepted San's fake ID anyway. Rosario Cruz- who might be related to Penelope- will never fail us. I still don't see how people can think San was born in 1987- that's like 7 years older than she actually is, and she's so small! I guess it is all about the experiences, and being able to give personal anecdotes about the time that we drank one thing from the minibar in our room before deciding to make out and knocking everything off. It's safe to say that it will be an expensive check-out, but we have spent less money on days out because of sweet lady kisses, so it's fine.

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