Happy New Year

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Santana's POV:

I have never been one for diary writing, I thought that the idea of writing down your thoughts in a somewhat orderly fashion seemed crazy. How can you be expected to make sense of how you feel and how will it help? However, in the last couple of weeks I have started doing it. Somehow, it isn't as stupid as I thought- being able to look back at who I was a while ago compared to now is quite amazing.

It's New Years Eve today, and for the first year in my life I am planning on having a proper New Years kiss. Sure, I have kissed people at midnight, but it was never meaningful- I just didn't want to be lonely watching everyone else with their spouses. New Years is when people make their first moves, where people finally let down their guard and confess their feelings.

Usually, I would never write resolutions because, like diary writing, I thought that it was ridiculous. Why wait until a certain date to make changes in your life that will most likely not last until the next week- this will then make you feel like shit. However, today, I am combining two things that I have never appreciated before: diary writing and resolutions.

I opened the book and just started writing.

New Years Resolutions

- Spend more time with Emily

- Be a better girlfriend to Britt

- Try to reconnect with my dad

- Stop making fun of people (especially Hudson and Berry)

- Appreciate my friends more

- Work harder in school

- Stand up to Sue and Schuester

- Be more honest about my feelings (but not too honest)

- Cut the sarcasm (as much as possible)

- Help my mom out more

- Be more forgiving

- Be a better person

It was actually easier to write once I started, I know that I probably missed out a lot of things, but the last one is the most important to me. I want to be a better person next year- Brittany is the kindest person that I have ever met and I need to be better for her. She would never hurt anyone and, in the past, I have gone out of my way to do just that as a defence mechanism. It doesn't even matter that it was a way to protect myself anymore to me, there is no excuse for making someone feel as shitty as I have done. I have a better understanding of the world now, of other people and myself, I know that who I was is not who I want to be. I will be better for her.

Brittany's POV:

Today is so exciting! It is the last day of the year, everything bad from this year will go away because of the magic from the unicorn's horn. Me and Tubbs are currently laying on my bed writing out our New Years Resolutions- I am making him do it too because this is a legally binding document (at least that is what he thinks).

For me, resolutions are the best part of New Years because you can plan what you want to do and what your aims are. I love plans, I love the way that they show you, not just what you want to do, but also that you can do it if you put your mind to it. That, for me, is special.

NeW yEaRs ReSoLuTiOnS:

- GeT tUbBs To QuIt OnLiNe GaMbLiNg

- SwEeT lAdY kIsSeS

- GeT tUbBs To QuIt SmOkInG

- SwEeT lAdY kIsSeS

- GeT tUbBs To LeAvE hIs GaNg

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