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Brittany's POV:

"Now you're sure you want to do this?" I asked hesitantly. We were on our way back from meeting Emily, San's cousin, and I had to babysit Ashley tonight because it is my parents' anniversary; Santana volunteered to help.

"For the eighth time now, yes. Honestly, Babe, as long as I get to be with you, I would do anything." she said, lifting our joined hands to her lips and kissing each of my knuckles. "Besides, I love Ashley, she's a really good kid."

"I can't believe my parents have been married for 19 years," I exhaled. It is so crazy to think. I want that to be San and I one day- maybe it is a bit early to think about that though.


Santana and I were in my house, cuddled up on the sofa with Ashley sat by our side, waiting for my parents to- to put it nicely- get their shit together. They were meant to leave for their weekend away around half an hour ago but were still freaking out about leaving Ash with us. It isn't even like we haven't babysat her before- madness.

"Mom, Dad," I groaned, "we'll be fine. Just please go. It's only for one night." San took my arm and wrapped hers around it, hugging it sleepily to keep me calm. I looked down at her lovingly- how can she be so adorable, yet make people think that she is scary. The only time that she is scary is when she is mad at me... that's really scary.

"But are you sure you'll be okay?" my mom asked for the millionth time. I exhaled loudly, trying to be patient because it was getting extremely annoying, so San sat up, still in my arms.

"We will be fine, I promise you. We're just going to watch a movie or something tonight and then, tomorrow, we might go out somewhere. Nothing dangerous will be happening, just enjoy your time away. Everything will be okay," she reassured with a polite smile and I watched adoringly as she somehow managed to calm them down- I guess she has that effect on all of the Pierces.

"O-Okay just- just please be safe," we all nodded at her request, San is always the best protector against any kind of threat. "Come here then, give us hugs goodbye." she said, referring to all three of us, but San stayed still as Ash and I stood up. "You too, San," she smiled and San came over awkwardly. "Thank you for keeping them out of trouble," my mom whispered to San, just loud enough for me to hear too. All Santana did was smile slightly and nod. I have always loved how well she fits in with my family, even if she is still really nervous of messing up with them.

They finally left after another ten minutes of worrying and making sure that everything was set, and San and I immediately laid back down on the sofa and resumed our previous positions.

"Alright then Ash," San started, clearly trying to be more excited than she was for the sake of my little sister. "what do you want for dinner tonight?" I forgot about that- it's good that she's here.

"Pizza!" she squeaked. San looked round at me to see if that was okay but I just shrugged, indicating that it was up to her. She ordered the food and we watched whatever was on the tv until it came.


Santana's POV:

"Thank you," Britt smiled as she handed the delivery person the money- her parents had left us $60 for food and other activities. I took the pizza from Britt as she closed the door, getting plates for each of us while watching Ashley who was getting way too excited for food.

"So Ash, what film do you want to watch after this?" I asked with a smile. I didn't know what I was getting myself in to by letting her choose, but I don't really mind- I get to cuddle with Britt anyway. Cuddling with Britt- not that I would ever admit it to anyone but her- is one of my favourite things to do, she just makes me feel so safe and is the best pillow.

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