Sectionals 2

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A/N: Holy shit, you guys! We hit 10k. How the fuck-


Rachel's POV:

After my conversation with Santana the other day, I have been using my suspension to work out where I stand. I know that Quinn and I aren't going to work right now, and I know that Finn is good for me, so I just have to try and remember that when I see her next.

I have had Kurt send me my work for the last couple of days- amazingly he isn't mad and understands why I did what I did- but I have decided to go in today so that I can accidentally run into Q and Tina to offer vocal support while getting my work for the day.

I have been standing at my locker for about ten minutes, really taking my time so that they will hopefully see me.

"I thought you weren't allowed here," I heard Quinn's voice say. I was kind of wishing that I would see Tina first, or both of them together, but it never works out how I want it to. I hesitantly looked round to see her- fuck, she's hot. No. I can't think like that anymore. We're just friends.

"I'm permitted on school grounds as long as I'm getting my work." I responded, surprisingly seeming relaxed.

"And it takes ten minutes to take a couple of books from your locker and put them into your bag?"

"I don't know, you're the one who has been watching me for that long- what did you see?" I have never been any good at knowing when my tone is flirty or not, mostly because my words never are, but something told me that she would see what I said as that. "That reminds me, I wanted to tell you and Tina that I am available for vocal coaching if you need any help."

"You'd have me over to your house again after last time?"

"Yeah. Well, Tina too. We need to bring our "A" game if we have any chance of beating the Troubletones."

"Oh we're not going to have any trouble with them," I just realised that trouble is in the group name. "Not as soon as I have Shelby Corcoran fired."

"Wait, why?" I'll admit, Shelby being here has been a complete emotional rollercoaster. Last time I saw her, she basically told me that she wanted nothing to do with me, and I almost had to go into therapy. It's painful to hear her talking about Beth when she is living the life I never got to, but I can only imagine how Quinn feels about it. Maybe that's what Santana was talking about the other day.

"She's sleeping with Puck," she whispered.

"Okay, look, that's a really, really, dangerous rumour to make up, okay? You're going to ruin her whole reputation."

"That's the plan." Wow, she really isn't okay. "And it's not a lie, I heard it from Puck." That's- why? He has made out with me and my mom. Beth is technically my sister, and he is her dad. I can't deal with this.

"First of all, Puck is 18 so what he and Shelby are doing, even though it is just wrong and so, so gross, it's not illegal. So, all you're doing is you're just, you're getting her fired, which is going to take away her income to provide food and clothes and put a roof over her child's tiny little blonde head."

"Sounds like an unfit mother. And I'll be waiting in the wings when they take Beth away from her."

"Beth loves her mom! Shelby is her real mom. Look, you're clearly going through a really hard time right now, Q, and I am so sorry. But if you tell people about this Puck-and-Shelby thing, you'll be ruining this little girl's life, and then you'll have really hit rock bottom."

"So what do you expect me to do, Rachel? Go back to pretending that she doesn't exist and that it doesn't kill me to think of missing her milestones. I can get her back, and we can be happy together."

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