Back To School

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Santana's POV:

Well, that's it! Christmas break is over and now we have to go back to the hellhole known as high school. It is supposed to help us grow, but it really makes us question everything we know about ourselves and we end up only a hollow shell of the people we used to be. The only thing that I am actually looking forward to is being able to spend all my time with my beautiful girlfriend and my friends. It feels weird to call people like Berry friends but, after what I went through in the last few months, I think they really are.

Since our meeting around a week ago, I have tried to keep in contact with my dad as much as possible. I want things to start to go back to normal. However, we are currently in this awkward, walking on eggshells stage- neither of us want to say anything to offend the other because we both want each other in our lives, but we still have a lot to say. I just want to scream out of frustration because I don't know how I am supposed to do this. I don't know how to act like everything is like it used to be, that is what I want but so much has changed. I'm just happy that I have Britt.

We are meeting the whole Glee Club first period rather than going to lessons because of something to do with Regionals- I don't care, it means that I don't have to sit through Mrs Doosenbury in European Geography. I got ready and left the house to meet Britt and Q outside the school gates, 15 minutes early to freak out all the freshmen who think that they have a chance of ruling the school. We are the Unholy Trinity and, even with my recent outing, people will fear us.


I made my way to school and noticed my two favourite people were already there. Who cares if I look like a freak, I ran up to them and wrapped my arms around Brittany.

"Oh, hey Baby!"She was surprised because she hadn't noticed me coming towards them, but that didn't stop her from giving me a passionate kiss.

"Uh... Still here, guys," Quinn said awkwardly. We pulled away reluctantly with a little giggle.

"Sorry Q," B said with her head down, probably to hide her smirk. I interlocked our fingers before giving her my own version of an apology. Apparently, Britt didn't think that my apology was nice enough because she nudged my side with narrowed eyes.

"Sorry, Quinn. Nice to see you!" I forced excitement to make Brittany happy.

"Really Satan? She's got you that whipped?" she joked and I glared to make her stop laughing. "Should we head in?" Britt and I nodded and we all walked towards the choir room. It still wasn't time for school so the only people in the corridors were nerds or Cheerios who had to do extra practice before school to stay on the squad. I was really surprised when Coach Sylvester kicked people who had problems with me being gay off the team instead of me, I always thought she hated me but it seemed like she wanted to protect Britt and I, weird.

Upon entering the choir room, we saw Rachel (who is always early), Sam, Mr Schue, Brad the creepy piano player, Kurt and Finn- the rest were yet to arrive. We all went round and said hello, hugging our friends who we hadn't properly seen since the New Years party, but Quinn stopped at Berry and just stood there. I could see that she was debating what to do- this might be worse than I thought. Britt and I shared a look, being the only ones apart from them who know puts us in a really awkward position.

"Hey Q, come sit down so that we can think about some song ideas for Regionals?" I asked, subtly giving her a way out of this situation if she wanted it. She nodded and we went to the seats in the back row. I wanted to talk to her so I got her (and Britt) to pull the chairs away from the others so no one would hear. When we sat down, Britt shot me a look to tell me to be careful and Q just looked confused. "Quinneth, we need to talk."

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