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Brittany's POV:

This is crazy, one minute I am making plans to send Lord Tubbington to rehab, the next I am sitting in some kind of studio. Mike, Tina and Artie (mostly Mike and Tina because Artie is still kind of mad at me) asked me to fill in for their other team mate because she got some kind of disease. I was surprised when they asked me, because everyone knows that I am not the smartest- honestly I was mostly in it for the dots.

We were up against Carmel High. They were the school with Vocal Adrenaline, which made me want to win even more. That is why, even though I was told to just sit and do nothing, I decided to play a round. The rest of the team looked over at me with complete panic- great to know that they believe in me, huh?

"I'll take 'Cat Diseases'" I said confidently. If there is one thing Lord Tubbington has taught me- except that you should never join a gang because it is almost impossible to leave- it is all about cats. Every time that I got asked a question, I answered it with ease. I was trying to avoid the shocked looks from everyone in the room because that really did nothing for my confidence. Yes, I know a lot about cats, but do you have to make it so obvious that you thought I was stupid?

By the time that I was finished, the teams were equal and there was one final question to see who would win. Both teams had their eyes closed as they awaited the question.

"And the final category is..." the producer said, "White Rappers!" We smiled at that because, if anyone knew that category, Artie did.


"We did it guys!" Tina shouted as soon as we left. "Britt you were amazing!" she said and hugged me. I just smiled because I hate how they are so surprised- I can do some things!

"Thanks guys, you were all great too!" I was acting a little bit more excited than I actually was because I didn't want to kill their mood.

"Hey, we're all going back to Artie's house to celebrate. You wanna come with us?" Mike asked.

"Thanks but I'm going to go see San-"

"Yeah, where is she? I'd have thought she would support you in something like this. Does she just not care or what?" Artie interrupted and I just rolled my eyes. Is he not over it yet?

"If you must know, I didn't tell her because I didn't want to risk her seeing me fail. I am going to see her now and she will be there for the finals." I said, annoyed. "I'll see you guys tomorrow." And with that I left the studio, messaging San to come pick me up.

Within ten minutes, she was here. I hadn't told her, like I said to Artie, because I didn't want her to see me get questions wrong. It wasn't that I was too afraid of getting things incorrect- I have done that all my life- but I just didn't want her to realise that I was too dumb for her or something. I know she isn't anything like that, but my intellect is probably the thing that I am most insecure about.

"Hey Britt," she smiled as she pulled up to where I was stood in the car park. I got into the car, pressing a quick kiss to her cheek, before she drove us home. "what were you doing there?" She was smiling so I assume that she wasn't annoyed- that was good.

"Tina, Mike and Artie asked me to fill in for Liz Schneider on the Brainiacs she got Rubella," I said nervously. I know I should have told her but I just got scared.

"That's great, Babe, how did it go?"

"We won..."

"I'm so proud of you!" she cheered and I smiled a bit at the fact that she was okay with it. "But why didn't you tell me? I would have come to cheer you on, you know I'm your biggest fan." she joked with a quick wink in my direction.

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