Saturday Night Fever

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Santana's POV:

I will never understand why Brittany doesn't perform more often in Glee. Maybe it's because she prefers to dance rather than sing and that isn't often appreciated as much in the club, or maybe she isn't as confident as she should be in her voice. However, she does sometimes and it always makes me happy.

Every time she performs, without fail, she has the biggest smile on her face. I don't even think she realises she's doing it, she just does. And, not only is it adorable, but it's also one of the only times I see her smiling so widely. Don't get me wrong, she smiles all the time, but dancing is one of her biggest loves and it's cute how excited she gets.

It surprised me when she left me alone when we got to the auditorium and went on stage with Blaine and Mike, but it was a good surprise. It was the best surprise because it meant that Britt was smiling and I could unashamedly watch her- I do it all the time anyway, but I had a great view from the front row.

The three of them ended the song back-to-back with their arms crossed over their chest. It was so cliché, but it was perfect for those three dorks.

"Wow, guys, what brought this on?" Schue asked excitedly when we stopped clapping.

"Well, we know this year's Nationals theme is vintage so we thought we needed something old, but something with a lot of energy. So we thought: disco." Blaine replied.

"Absolutely. I don't know if I ever told you guys this, but back when I was in Glee Club, we took it all the way to nationals with the pure power of unadulterated disco."

"Um, well, there's only one problem with that idea." Puck started.

"And what's that?" Schue asked, completely oblivious to what was going to happen despite it already happening many times before.

"Disco sucks!" Everybody yelled, including me.

"Right," he nodded, hurt. It's probably bad that, when I saw him pretending not to be upset at our statement, my first instinct was to laugh. I didn't, but I was very tempted. "Okay, has anybody got any more ideas for Nationals?" He asked defeatedly.


"Britt! Why didn't you tell me you were performing?" I asked when Glee club ended. Glee consisted of nothing but people performing their ideas for Nationals, so we didn't get a chance to talk beforehand.

"It didn't seem like a big deal," she shrugged.

"Oh, come on! You're performing, that's a bigger deal than anything else in my life," I said, nudging her playfully. "You were really good,"

"So it didn't suck?" It was more like she was mocking what we said earlier rather than her being insecure, but I decided to reassure her anyway.

"It was amazing," I told her in a tone that left no room for doubt. "I only said that disco music sucked because I didn't want to listen to Schuester go into detail about his Nationals win a million years ago again. You know I don't think that any music sucks, and you definitely know that I don't think you suck."

"Well, that's good."

"Hey, do you want to do something tonight?"

"Like what?"

"Well, we could catch a movie, we could go to Breadstix or the Lima Bean, or we could take a picnic to the park and feed the ducks. Or we could just go home and make our own fun. Whatever you want,"

"Why do I feel like you're not talking about a board game?"

"I can be if you want me to be,"

"Let's go feed the ducks- it's springtime which means that there are going to be so many pretty flowers!"

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