17-Semi Finals 3

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Hey guys I'm back after a long time... this time I'm writing till I finish this book, no more breaks...I may update like two chapters a day... I'm not yet sure but I'm here to finish this book...


We were still lost in the hug when we heard screaming from far. It was loud.

"What is that for?" I asked.

"Maybe the competition is done and they are announcing results," Arthur suggested.

"What is the time?" I asked him.

"It's..." He looked at his watch to check on the time.

"It's a half past ten, right?" Tess spoke before Arthur could.

"Yea, how did you know?"

"It is the time Travis... I mean dad is supposed to arrive."

"So you mean people are screaming for him?" I had to ask this. I didn't know he was that much loved.

"Yes of course. He has always been the best in soccer. A legend," Arthur answered me.

"Just like you will be," Tess told him.

We all smiled at that.

"Okay, shall we?" Arthur asked us.

"Of course,"  I answered him as we got up to go back inside the theatre where the completions were taking place. Though, I made sure it didn't appear like I had been with Arthur so that Sky would concentrate on what she was doing and win. Arthur had to do what he loved most. I even found that weird somehow. Loving sciences just too much and at the same time doing football like crazy. Anyway that was what made him unique and I loved him for that. I couldn't even believe I was in love with someone in such a short time. It sounded so cliche and I had the feeling that it would not be perfect if Arthur loved me back.

I was snapped back to reality when Tess ran and hugged Travis. She hugged Trisha too. Tyga walked to them too but there was no emotion. He just greeted both of them. It was the same with Travis. He didn't show the father son affection and just greeted Tyga back in the same way. He didn't even show that much affection for Trisha, his wife! Okay this family needed help lovewise if that even existed. They didn't have love and affection for each other and that was driving me crazy. I wish I could reunite them.

Back to the competition, Skyla and Troy had nailed it with their robotic creation that shows the different ways of how a human body can gain energy after a long time of work. I didn't really attend the fair that much so please don't trust my explanation of what they made that much. Anyway, Daniella then came to announce the schools that had qualified for the finals. Remember they only needed six schools. The first three would get rewards at the final stage. Though, every school was paid for participating so that was why some schools participated. To get money. The Montels always paid a large sum of money for taking part in their competitions.

Daniella started speaking. My eyes then wandered to Tess. She was seated next to her dad on his left and Tyga on his right. Trisha was on Tess' left. When you looked at them seated like that, you would think it is a happy family because they looked beautiful. They looked like a very happy beautiful family with no pain. I smiled at this. It was just a good view.

This made me wonder who my real parents were. All I remembered was the tragic accident I had with them. It wasn't actually an accident. We were on a road that was in the middle of a forest. I was held by two men who took me away from a man and woman with whom I had been traveling in a car. I was eight years then and in my memory, I couldn't see clear pictures. The men who had held me put me in another car and drove me away. I fought with them and the next thing I knew, we bumped into a lorry. I woke up wondering where I was. I had lost my memory. I had amnesia and all I could remember were the events but no clear pictures. And if I tried to remember hard, my head would ache terribly so I avoided it.

A hand touching my own brought me back to the theatre. It was Mrs. Morgan. She was on tension waiting for Daniella to speak the school in second position. She had began from the last position while coming up. It was now the second coming up.

"It is Troy and Skyla from Redium High."

I heard a lot of screaming after announcing the school in first position. Skyla came running from the stage forgetting Troy and hugged Arthur who held her and swung her around. Okay I knew Arthur loved sciences and he was happy our school had qualified but did he have to swing her around? I swallowed my jealousy.

"We won! You're in for finals!" She said to him as they were still embracing.

Troy came in a very down mood. When Arthur stopped him and congratulated him, he just smiled and hugged him. He didn't look really happy.

"Well done dude!" Arthur added on after their hug.

"Thanks. You're next," Troy wasn't really lively.

"Yea I know and I am going to do what I can," Arthur replied.

"I know you will. I trust what you got," Troy was genuine but he was not fine. Wasn't Arthur seeing it? His good friend wasn't fine. Speaking of good friend, Nelly had something to tell me. I started looking for her. At the same time, Travis announced.

"Okay...let everyone go to the hotel just across the street to celebrate their victory upon reaching this level."

People got excited and started moving. Skyla held onto Arthur tightly that he couldn't come to me even if he wanted. He had to just go with her. Troy clenched his jaws at that and moved in an opposite direction. I decided to follow him and try to find out what was really wrong with him. I bumped into Nelly instead and I lost Troy.

"Thank God I've got you. I've been looking for you," she said breathlessly.

"Same here."

"I have to tell you something Daisy."

"I know. That is why I've been looking for you. What do you want to tell me?"

"Well...the thing is Troy..."

A body guard from the Montel family interrupted her.

"Excuse me?" He politely talked to us and we both glared at him.

"What?" Nelly couldn't even act polite.

"Are you Daisy Custergard from Redium High?" He asked politely.

"That's me," I told him and he turned to me.

"Well Travis Montel and his family would like to talk to you."

No please. Not now. Nelly is saying something.

"That's fine. I'll be there in a minute," I wanted him to give us space.

"I'm sorry I can't leave without you. My instructions were to go back with you no matter what," he was still talking calmy and politely.

"Fine," I turned to Nelly. "El make it quick."

"Okay. Troy is-"

"Nelly let's go. I need to finish some assignments," Alex interrupted Nelly. He was hanging out with Nelly these days. He was the quietest and most unsocial student at Redium but Nelly got him to speak. He was an introvert but with Nelly he was something different.

"Alex-" Nelly wanted some time like me.

"I told you I wouldn't waste time. Let's go," he didn't even let her finish.

"But-" I tried to interfere.

"Please ma'am, let's go," the bodyguard was on my neck.

"Fine!" Nelly and I said at the same time and followed those that needed us.

The Montels were in the preparation room. I entered. It looked like a bar. They had opened the wall and its real appearance came into view. It was actually a bar along with a diner together. Their family was a big one. I started feeling uncomfortable. I was even thinking about what Nelly had to say.

I wanted to know what was wrong with Troy. He had something disturbing him and I wanted to help. He was Arthur's good friend meaning we were friends too. Something had to be put right with him.

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