20-Over reacting

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Shawn left after I had slept. I woke up on Monday still scared but that didn't stop me from going to school. I was wondering why those two were appearing to me. Was someone using black magic to control them? Did it even exist? I shook my head. I decided to push those thoughts away. The weekend was just bad for me. I had slept the whole Sunday and talked to no one.

As I was moving towards my locker at school, the STS Angels came from nowhere with monster masks on them. I screamed making everyone turn towards me. They removed their masks and laughed at me. They hit high fives with each other. I felt so pissed.

"Hey Daisy. Did you love your weekend?" Skyla asked me with a grin. "I heard you were tormented by phantoms. Phantoms....whoa...I'm a ghost..."

She was coming towards me acting like a phantom. I pushed her away feeling embarrassed because everyone was watching. She laughed.

"Nice week dear. Bye."

They left and I sighed. Who had even told them? How had they known? Were they responsible for whatever happened? I swear if they were the ones behind this, my revenge was going to be bad. Actually, worse.

I put that aside and turned to open my locker only for Dracula's head to pop out. I screamed louder and fell into someone's chest. I held them tighter because I was trembling due to fear.

"Please don't leave me," I even said this.

"Daisy, calm down."

The voice was familiar.


This brought me back to reality and I immediately pulled away. I had to keep distance with him. Bad dream and my boyfriend would get hurt. Though, I was also going to help him with his dilemma between the match and the fair not the one between me and Skyla.

"Are you fine?" He asked huskily. That killed me. It sounded good but I wasn't supposed to be thinking of him this way because I wasn't sure of our future.

"Yea, yeah...of course. It was just a prank. I'm fine."

I quickly closed my locker and walked away. I took my seat in class feeling so embarrassed. Who was Angel? Who was her mother? Why were they haunting me? I was still lost in my thoughts when my phone rang. I almost jumped. Thank God no one saw me. I checked on the caller ID. It was unknown. What if it was Angel's mother calling me? I decided not to answer. It stopped ringing and soon rang again. I decided to just pick it up.

"Hullo?" I was really scared.

"Hey daughter in law. It's Trisha, your mom. How are you?"

When she spoke, I remembered Arthur's words instead.

Do you know how dangerous they are? They can do anything to get what they want.

What if they were the ones using black magic on me? But why would they do that yet they are so rich?

"Daisy? Are you there?"

I just switched off. I wasn't in the mood to talk. I wasn't sure of who was responsible for this mystery of phantoms. The whole day was bogus. The STS Angels scared me again. Argh! How had they known? Wait.... Shawn!

I moved to his class immediately and sent for him.


I slapped him.

Did I just do that?

"Shawn how dare you?!"

"How dare me what?!" He was surprised and hurt at the same time. I was starting to regret my actions. I should have just asked before slapping him.

"Why did you tell Skyla about last time's incident?"

"Skyla? I didn't even tell my own subconscious!"

"Then how come she knows? She's even scaring me every now and then!"

"I don't know how she knows but I said nothing. What's wrong with you?!"

He was really innocent. I could tell by his eyes that were full of pain. I had over reacted about everything. I was just perturbed by my situation.

"I'm sorry."

I quickly moved away after that and decided to just leave school but I thought twice when I reached the exit. I could meet the phantoms again. I turned back and went back to class. Nelly then came to me. She hadn't even told me about Troy but that could wait. I really had an issue to settle now after which I had to help Arthur out then Troy would come in.

"Hey sweetie. I heard about the weekend incident. Sorry we couldn't talk but we can now. I have some time."

"Nelly, how did you know?"

"Skyla is posting it everywhere on the school page as well as the soccer match page."

"Oh God! That slut!"

"So it's true?"

"Yes honey and I think I'm about to die."

"C'mon Daisy, don't speak like that. You can get rid of this."


"Just think of the guy you love most in this world. Arthur."

I looked his way and he was concentrating on some science thing. Nelly was right. Maybe that way I would calm down.

"I'll try."

"Good then. Right now I have a chemistry teacher to meet. Dumbledore."

I smiled and she left. We had Nick named our teacher as Dumbledore because he looked like Dumbledore from the Harry Potter movie and he was fine with it.

I then moved to Arthur's seat and sat opposite him. Maybe he would distract me somehow.

"Hi Arthur."

"Hey Daisy. You fine?"

"Yea. You?"

"Of course I'm fine. And...I'm sorry about Friday night. I shouldn't have been possessive and all-"

"Just please don't talk about that weekend."

"So you want to say that what Sky is posting is real?"

"I won't lie. It's true."

"Then just keep by my side. None of those things will touch you."

I smiled at his choice of words. So comforting.

"I will definitely do that."

"Then let's go for my practice together then."

"Of course."

We went to practice together and later on he read some science stuff before going home. I had to help. I called Nelly to my house and told her to put everything aside and first speak about what project they were going to present.

"You're doing this for Arthur?"

"Yes Nelly. He's so stressed."

"You really love him."

I wasn't sure of that ever since I dreamt about him and I getting separated as well as how he cared for Skyla. I just kept quiet. Nelly changed topic after realising my discomfort.

"By the way, have the phantoms come back?"

"Nelly, not now. It's literally night time."

She just chuckled and I sighed. Life was so complicated.


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