52-Let it go

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It's okay...




I drove back home feeling really hurt. I expected this but I didn't know it would hurt this much. I didn't know her rejecting me directly would hurt this bad. I felt like blaming it all on Tracy. If she hadn't come into Daisy's life, maybe I would have had a chance of being with my Daisy.

Maybe she rejected me because she knew that her friend liked me and she didn't want to hurt her. I felt broken. I went straight to the music room once I reached home. I wanted to play something to calm down but it just failed. Instead I started breaking the items. I was stopped by the guards who held me on Dad's request.

He came in front of me. "Son, what's wrong?" He had changed so much because of Daisy and yet I can't have her as mine to make her stay forever.

"She rejected me dad... I have lost her completely...all because of that damn fool... I hate Arthur Caspian!"

"Calm down Tyga. You-"

"I can't calm down!"

I pulled myself from the guards and just Left. It was coming to 4:00 am. I drove to the beach where I could try and calm down. I couldn't believe I was crying. Tyga Montel was really crying... because of a girl...wow...

I was drinking some scotch just to relieve myself of the pain. I sensed someone next to me. I turned. I already knew who it was. She had tied herself around me ever since she met me. I even knew her scent now.

"What do you want?!"

"Tyga, you need to stop. Look how wasted you look."

"Don't tell me what to do! You're the reason I'm in this condition. If you had never come into our lives l would still have a chance with her!"

"It was fate for me to be here and..." She pulled the bottle from me.

"Give it back!"

"No!" She got up and walked towards the sea and threw it in there.

"What the actual fuck!" I yelled at her. "But what's wrong with you? Who do you think you are to me?"

"I may not be anything to you but you are something to me and I am not going to stand here and watch you get wasted just because you couldn't get the person you love. Yes, she rejected you but that's not the end of life. At least she didn't lie to you or try and use you to get back at Arthur!"

"I wouldn't care if she did that! It's better than rejection!"

"No, you're saying that because you are drunk."

"argh I hate you!"

I groaned in pain and anger then just looked away from her.

"Tyga," she tried to get near me but I pulled away from her. "Don't touch me."

I staggered away. Shs tried to follow me and try and stop me but I pushed her away. She didn't give up. I got to my car and tried to open it but failed. I kicked it in anger and sat down next to it.

"You're probably enjoying seeing me like this, right?"

"Tyga, that's not true."

"Then why can't you leave me alone! Why can't you give me some space!"

"Because you're not in your senses."

"Then call someone I can tolerate not you!"

She sighed and got her cell phone. She was obviously hurt. I could see it in her eyes. She called Mike and Eric. When they came, she left.

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