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The day went on smoothly and I went back home. I found Sheila furious with everything.

"Hi Sheila," I greeted her.

"Don't hi me you good for nothing human."

Okay, I took in the insults I received everyday cause I didn't care. As long as Calvin loved me, I was okay because he's the one who adopted me.

I dropped my bag in my room and went for an evening walk.

I found a young girl, about six years old, crying and I wondered why.

I walked to her.

"Hullo sweetheart, what's wrong? Why all the tears?"

"I've lost my mum's inhaler and she is at the market. She has got an attack."

"Can you take me there?"

"But her inhaler."

"Where is it?"

"In there."

She pointed to a deep hole in the woods. This girl was weird. First, she's really young and in a lonely place and now her mother's inhaler is in a hole in the woods. Surprisingly, the mother was at the market which was really some distance from where we are.

The hole was not deep. It's just the girl who could not reach it so I helped her.

I stretched my hand and got it.

"Okay now, let's go," I told her once I had got the inhaler.

She ran and I followed.

Her mum was lying down in the market and people were surrounding her.

Everything was weird. No one was offering help.

Anyway, I helped her. I used her inhaler and she calmed down.

"Thank you so much," the girl said.

"You're welcome dear. What's your name?"

"I am Angel."

"I am Daisy."

"You're a friend now."

"And so are you."

I hugged her.

I went with her mum to the hospital for more check-up.

When she was fine, I got a taxi for them and they left.

I really felt there was some weirdness but I shook off the thoughts and went home.


Next day, I went to school as usual and settled for class.

Arthur entered the class in a very good mood though I could see his worry.

He was not okay.

He waved at me and I waved back. Skyla almost jumped at me for doing so.

"That girl took Shawn away from me and she's now trying to snatch Arthur too."

I could hear their conversation because they wanted me to.

"Yes Skyla, you are right. You have to be more serious now. You can't let her take Arthur too," Tyra encouraged.

"Of course Tyra he's mine."

I just turned and smirked at them.

The STS Angels, like they called themselves, really hated me. I wonder why they even called themselves Angels yet they acted like devils.

Anyway, during Biology, I was paired with Arthur.

"You're to do an experiment about rats and tell me about their functioning in the body. By the end of this day, I want my results. Start now."

Rats?! Seriously?

I was so bad at experiments. I didn't even know how to cut anything.

Arthur seemed experienced. He cut the rat so well.

"I can see that you don't know the practicals, so help me and note what I tell you," he seriously said.

"Okay," I replied in a mixture of feelings. Shame. Shock. Admiration. His serious voice killed me. God, Arthur was going to be the death of me.

I got a pen and paper and waited for him to speak.

He observed and explained everything to me probably because he knew I was really badly off.

He even showed me whatever he was talking about.

I recorded everything on paper. Thank God, I was good at writing very fast.

We finished the assignment before the expected time.

Mr. Brown, our biology teacher, moved around looking at the scripts and awarded marks.

"Wow, Ms. Custergard, good partner, huh?" He looked at Arthur then continued, "you have improved from a D to an A."

Amen! I was going to be happy that term. Good marks for Biology. Calvin was going to be really happy after hearing this.

Class was done.

"Thanks Arthur," I told him.

"No need, you are my friend."

I was about to reply but Skyla, Tyra and Sera came and made sure to interrupt.

"Hey love, congs." Skyla told Arthur seductively.

I was burning inside me.

"Thanks. How about you?"

"Got a C but it's okay. You will help me out, right?"

"Of course."

"Do you want to walk me out?"

"If that's what you want."

"Of course I do."

"Okay, let's go. Later Daisy."

I nodded.

"See ya Daisy," Skyla said to me and I only fodged a smile at her.

They all left.

At home, I told Calvin all about Biology grades. Rio was happy for me as well.

"At least you are now passing your favorite subject," Rio commented sarcastically.

"It's not my favorite subject. You know that."

"It's only a fool who doesn't know that," he replied.

We then played some video games till he went to have dinner which was always bad for me if I was not the one who prepared it.

Sheila made my food salty and worst of all, if it was a sugary desert, she made sure there was no sugar in mine.

I would always eat to make sure Calvin didn't quarrel at her.

In my room, I would have something else to eat. Something that I bought on my way back home.

I couldn't sleep on a hungry stomach.

That was my damn life at home.

Hey guys. I know the chapter is short but don't worry things are going to improve soon. Please drop your comments so I can know how you feel. Feel free to inbox me. Please vote. Lol.


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