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Mrs. Morgan spoke to me on the way to the station.

"Are you ready for this dear?"

"Yes, I am," I lied. Honestly, I didn't remember anything about what I had just revised. Arthur was dominating my mind. The way he was kissing Skyla was aggressive and full of anger. He was harsh. Like he was doing it with another aim and not love. Like he wanted to hurt the people watching. But they didn't know I was in the lab so most probably they were going to make out in there if I hadn't been there. Or maybe Arthur knew I was there and he wanted me to be jealous. Oh God! I was confused, jealous, hurt and worried.

Mrs. Morgan was observing me. I was starting to feel awkward. Were there tear marks on my face?

"You look worried or probably sad about something. Are you really fine?"

"Yes I'm fine. I'm just from sleeping."

"So you slept?" She was surprised and happy at the same time. "Wow! You're really a Chemistry legend, aren't you?"

I just smiled. If she only knew. I didn't even remember any of the most important facts of Chemistry.

As I still thought about my sad life, she said,"By the way Daisy, do you love Arthur or you are with Shawn?"

That question took me by surprise. Was that part of Chemistry?

I looked at her with more than surprise. I had a questioning look. My look was asking her are you okay?

When she didn't react to my questioning look, I answered her.

"I am Shawn's girlfriend."

"But you seem to have eyes for Arthur. You love him. It's written in your face,eyes and your actions."

Really? It was that visible? I doubted. Maybe someone had told her because she was not that observant to know something from someone's looks. Not in a bad way but Mrs. Morgan always cared about school and class issues. Only academics.

"I know you're lying. Someone probably told you I am having eyes for Arthur and you're adding on the rest so that it can look like it's your observation but it's not, so tell me. Who was it? Who told you that? Was it Skyla,Tyra or Sera?"

I over reacted. I said too much but she looked like she wasn't moved.

"Telling by your reaction, it is true."

"No, it's not."

"C'mon Daisy. Such things do happen. You don't need to pretend. Personally, I had five boyfriends in high school but there was only one boy I truly loved though the rest truly loved me. It's like you. You love Arthur but you're with Shawn who truly loves you."

I was looking at her emotionless. She was literally shocking me.

"All I can tell you don't destroy your life just like me. I kept on ignoring those who loved me and gave the boy I loved all my love and heart. In the end, they all left me including the boy who I truly loved," her eyes were teary. She must have been remembering the boy. "So I ended up with no love. I got married to someone my parents chose but I never loved him. He died leaving me with all these riches but I'm not sincerely happy. When I look at you, I remember all my young age. You better choose wisely. Remember don't leave those who love you for those you love. Sometimes, the people we love can't see the much love we hold for them. They can't."

She was now crying. She dried her eyes and said," the best thing to do is enjoy your high school and leave the pain. Love will destroy it for you. Just enjoy your high school."

I remembered Arthur and Skyla. Indeed, they can't see the love you hold for them. My eyes got teary and tears started sliding down my cheeks but I dried them.

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