28-The break up

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Hey... I would like to say thank you for reaching this far with me... I know the story is still confusing but just follow up, you are going to understand it soon...❤️❤️ U... thanks for reading....


I decided to drive Shawn and Sharla home. They were both down. I felt so hurt for both of them. I held Shawn's hand and interlocked it with mine as I drove towards their house.

"So do you guys want to talk about it?" I asked.

Shawn didn't say anything. Sharla was strong so she said,"She was found dead in her bed minutes back by our neighbors as we were these ends at the field."

I felt my blood get cold. How hurting...My tears started flowing down my cheeks...

We got to their house and yeah the forensics had just taken her body. The police was around as well as Shawn's aunt, Rachel. On seeing her nephew and niece, she cried while hugging Sharla. Shawn stayed in my arms. I couldn't break up with him now.

"I am so sorry about all this honey" Rachel told Shawn.

"I could have been by her side if I had listened to her. She told me to quit football and try to continue with dad's business in Mexico"

"It's not your fault" I told him.

"It is... I should have left with her and Sharla to Mexico than stay here... you don't even love me anymore... you are always with Arthur...I shouldn't have stayed back because of you... I only refused to go away because of you but...look... you even don't love me!"

I lost my tongue. He had put his mother's wish aside for me and I... I cheated on him.


"Just stop with the lies already. You know it's the damn truth!" He was taking his pain on me.


"What are you even doing here? Go to him. He's celebrating his victory. Why did you even leave him alone? Maybe because Tyga will see you yet you lied to him that you love him. You are a liar. You are just interested in playing with hearts and once they are broken... you calm down"

"Shawn that's not true. Tyga and I are nothing more than friends. It's the same with Arthur. I..."

"Then why did you kiss him back the other night?" I froze. He knew? "What... you think I didn't see you... I followed the both of you and I saw all that happened... Daisy you would have just told me no right from the start than leading me on and leave me hanging... leave me broken. Right now my mum is gone and I never gave her that much time all because of you! It's your damn fault! You should have never lied to me. Infact... leave! There's nothing we hold..."

"Shawn..." I tried holding his hand and he pulled away. "Shawn listen, I'm sorry. Don't hate me."

"Leave. I hate you. Actually, you will one day feel the pain I have felt. You have to pay for this pain. You will get it too"

He walked away. Sharla and Rachel were quiet. I just turned away and left. I started crying. My love for Shawn may have faded but I didn't want to hurt him this bad. Not when his mum had died. I wanted to comfort him. Jeez. Life had gone from crazy to bad.


I sat along the streets just a bit far away from Shawn's house and started crying. I felt really hurt. It pained me when I was the reason to someone's pain. Just then, a bike pulled next to me. I looked up and it was Tyga. What was he doing here? He came and sat next to me. He pulled me into him and I didn't oppose. I just cried the more in his chest.

"Daisy it's okay."

"Shawn is hurt cause of me."

"It's fine. He will get over it. He needs some time."

"He's done with me for good."

"It's not the end of the world you know that too"

He comforted me and I cried the more. Then it hit me, how did he know where I was? I sat up. We were still close.

"Tyga... how did you know where I was"

"We were at the club house celebrating the victory when Shawn's sister's best friend came and told us what had happened to them. Their mother... I knew that's where you could be because I had seen you run out of the field in tears. I drove with her so that she could bring me to his house only to find you guys breaking up and I saw you walk away. I decided to follow you and give you some time...but you cried too much so I came and decided to be your shoulder to cry on."

"Thank you..."


I hugged him again. At least he was a friend.

I prayed that Shawn forgave me. I knew I was a bitch to have lied to him and led him on. I prayed he found some space in his heart to forgive me and not curse me like that.

I just held Tyga the more and surprisingly I fell asleep in his arms....


I woke up in a very comfortable bed that wasn't mine. I was in a big shirt. Not mine. I quickly shot up. Tyga walked in in only sweats and no shirt. He dried his hair. He was from showering.

"Tyga what happened?"

"Nothing. You just slept in my arms on the street so I carried you home and laid you in my bed. I slept on the coach over there"

I looked at the coach next to the window.

"And... how did I get into your shirt?"

"Tess and our house help Maria. I called them and they helped you change. Trust me, I couldn't do anything stupid"

I sighed.

"It's fine. I'm sorry I over reacted."

"It's okay. Breakfast?"

"Sure. Let me freshen up first"

"The bathroom is over there and you can borrow some of my sweats and shirt"


I walked to the bathroom and freshened up. I prayed that me being here didn't cause any sagas. I had to go to Shawn's mum's burial.

I hoped that there was no drama at all because I wasn't ready for more tears. I called Nelly after I dressed up in some black sweats and a black hoodie. Tyga smelt nice I must say.

"Yo boo I'm sorry about Shawn's mum" she immediately said.

"It's a pity."

"I guess you are with him cause I can't see him here. Where are you guys? The mass is about to start"

"I'm not with him El"

"What! Then where are you? Everyone is here except you and Shawn."

"I'm on my way. I'll tell you everything."

Thanks for reading guys...let the real drama begin....

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