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The next day of school was just all about catching up with the lessons I had missed and it was nagging. Calvin even called me at lunch and quarrelled at me for having gone to the Montels' house. I had never seen him fume like that before. I just kept quiet. Everyone was warning me about the Montels. Even Mrs. Morgan told me 'Daisy, I know you had no choice yesterday and I couldn't help you with the Montels but if you want a peaceful life, stay away from them. They can force you into something you really don't want.'

She was right. They wanted me to be with Tyga but I was not interested in anything more than friendship with him.

Anyway, Nelly, Arthur and I met at my house where Rio was going to help us out. Sheila and daughters had never come back ever since the incident so most times I was home alone if Rio wasn't home and Calvin decided not to come home. The phantoms had never come back to me. Actually, I had avoided Liberty High. That road freaked me out now. By the way, Nelly brought Alex. I was now eager to know what was going on between the two. I could be missing out on something interesting.

Rio had just explained some science project that could be helpful to Nelly and Arthur when Calvin came home.

"Hey everyone," he said to us as he got a bottle of water from the fridge.

"Hi," we all replied.

"So Arthur is doing sciences and not football?" He asked after sipping some water from the bottle.

"What do you mean by that coach?" Arthur was just as eager to know as the rest of us.

"The match kicks off at the same time the fair kicks off so it's your choice because you are urgently needed on both sides," Calvin assured Arthur.


We all turned to Arthur. He seemed to be facing a hard time choosing what to do. He finally spoke.

"Well you all know I love football so much just as much as I love sciences," he spoke.

"Yes we all know...so?" Nelly was eager for the answer.

"Uh...my best dream is to become the best football player and not the best scientist so..."

"You're not attending the fair?! You fool! Fuck you!" Nelly was pissed. Okay we all got that.

"Just mind the language please," Calvin said.

"I'm not attending it too!" Nelly concluded.

Was she crazy?!

"Nelly that's crazy," I told her.

"Well you don't expect me to explain the whole damn thing alone!"

"Alex will be there," Rio assured Nelly basing on the theory we all had about them.

"Me?" Alex surprised us. "I hardly understood what you just talked about right now."

"See! I'm not going," Nelly was serious.

"C'mon Nelly, the school is counting on you now," Arthur told her.

"You think it's that easy?" Nelly was just nervous.

"Fine I'll be there for sometime and-"

"That's not how it works Arthur. It's either football or sciences because we need you at the field full time," Cal told Arthur. "You are the striker."

"What! I thought that's Shawn's position and I'm just being a substitute," Arthur was surprised.

"It was. I need to see what the new players can do," Calvin wasn't kidding.

"So what's Shawn going to play?" Arthur was surely on football now.

"Defence," Calvin surely had this planned throughout.

"Oh God. This is serious." I said.

"Yeah. I haven't even practised that well and everything is tomorrow," Arthur was stressed.

"At the same time!" Nelly added on.

We were all quiet. I had to help Arthur with this dilemma. He had to achieve his dream.

"I will present with Nelly," I said.

They all turned to me with looks that were empty.

"Daisy this is not a joke. We are serious," Nelly told me.

"I know. I'm still presenting with you. Arthur needs to play on the team tomorrow," I told them.

"Well you know we changed most things yesterday while you were at the Montels'," Nelly was still doubting me.

"I will still go through everything."

"Daisy we are talking about something that's hours away," Arthur told me.

"I know and I am still doing it."

They were quiet.

"So you are serious?" Rio asked me.

"Yeah. What are friends for?" I asked them.

"I love you too babe!" Nelly hugged me.

We did some more discussions and as Arthur was leaving I walked him out.

"So...what are you going to do now about your new position for tomorrow?" I asked him.

"I don't know. I want to practise now but I don't know where I can go."

"Aren't you tired?" I asked him.

"I will rest after we win that match tomorrow," he assured me.

"Okay then I might know a place where you can practise now. Do you have a ball?"

"Well your dad has so..."

"I'm not stealing Cal's balls," I told him.

"It's called borrowing Daisy. You are coming back with it."

I chuckled and just went back to the house and got a ball for him. We went to a near by pitch though we had to use my jogging route. I didn't feel scared because Arthur was with me anyway.

When we got to the pitch, he was like "Aren't you tired?"

"Not at all. We have to help you get ready for your big day tomorrow. First match."

"But you have a project to go through."

"I know and I am going to work upon it after here. C'mon let's start this already."

He stared at me before finally agreeing and running into position.

I began with throwing the ball at him then he would make sure it didn't pass by him. We moved from throwing the ball to kicking it towards him.

"Okay your dad is a coach of football but you suck at it," he chuckled at me.

I just smiled.

"I'm just learning this anyway."

"Then let's teach you. C'mon. Come get the ball."

I ran towards him and the playing started. It was fun. I hoped this helped him out for the next day.

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