59- The Smiths

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That is why I always cared...


I was seated on the cold floor of the cell feeling so cold and broken. Arthur had proven to be a liar. We were never anything. He was just having a moment of those days. I felt like a fool to have ever trusted him. Why had I even gone ahead to train hard just to save his damn life???

"Daisy Custergard," the thick voice of the lady that had brought me in called at the entrance bringing me back to life. I looked up at her.

"Get up. You don't belong here. Your father and mother are waiting for you outside."

Father? Mother?

"I am an orphan."

"Well that's not my business. They have bailed you out so go find out who they are to you."

I walked out slowly and moved to the entrance next to the IGP's office to see who it was. Okay everyone was present except Arthur and Cedra. The famous family of the Smiths was also present. They were like the Montels. A rich family. Just that they had lost a child some years back and adopted another one...I didn't know much about them. All I knew they were rich and famous.

"Daisy...my daughter," Mrs. Smith walked to me in tears and hugged me while kissing me. I was confused.

Harry then came to me. I didn't even know he was back. "Hey, there's something you should know. These two are your biological parents. I was just adopted by them. When I asked mum what had happened to her daughter, she told me a story that was familiar to the one Shawn told me about you so I decided to befriend you and find out. I got some of your blood sample, hair and other things I needed. I got dad's too and boom, a DNA test was carried out. I decided not to tell you cause you had a lot up your sleeve. I decided to just be there for you as a brother. When things became too complicated, I decided to go back home and tell mum and dad. You have amnesia but if you are to remember well she's the woman you are ever seeing in your mind."

That made me try and remember. I was running around a certain house and some woman was chasing me around but her face wasn't clear. I tried to make it clear but instead my head started aching and I just lost my vision. I fell down. My head was feeling so heavy and that my body couldn't hold it anymore.

A month later

I woke up in the middle of a white room and hands holding mine. I looked at the person and I was shocked to see Arthur. I pulled my hand away from his. Was I dreaming? I turned to see my mother? Yeah from what I last heard it was her.


She was overwhelmed when I called her mother because she rushed to my side in tears.

"Daisy, you are awake.... I've waited for a month to see you open those eyes..."

"A month?" I couldn't believe my ears.

"Yes, I got to know about all that you went through..."

"Then why is he here?" I was meaning Arthur.

"Daisy... I am sorry. I-"

"Mum can I talk to Dad and Harry? Does Rio know about this?"

"They are back. You want to see them too?"


"Okay I will get them."


I interrupted Arthur. "And please don't let anyone from the Royals or the royal family to come see me except Nelly and Sky."


"Daisy, listen, I-"

"Please leave her alone. You heard her."

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