9-Science Fair

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Hi guys.

It's Arthur in the picture.


I moved to the hall where the competitions were going to take place.

I heard two girls speaking about Tyga. How he had skills of an agent because his dad, Travis, took him for training for six years. How he's perfect at fighting.

He was now a guide at the competition since he knew a lot about technology just because his mum made sure he grew up around technology facts and stuff.

Wasn't he packed in his head? If it were me, I think I would be dead right now. Just too much chemistry made me sleep for days and now technology, sciences and all those fighting skills. Jesus! Even thinking about it killed me.

He wanted to do football but his dream was stopped by his parents who wanted him to do what they wanted to see him do. How rude!

Trisha Montel was known for sciences and a doctor for bones and the brain and she was also a Mechanical Engineer. Wow! Where was my family?

Anyway, the competitions commenced.

Trisha Montel was seated among the VIPs and the audience was behind them.

The three judges, who were also related to the Montels in some way maybe family friends or siblings I wasn't sure, were stationed in front of the stage.

We were ten participants but only eight qualified for semi finals then six would qualify for finals.

The rules were;

If a question asked needed calculations, only ten minutes would be given.

If it was a straight forward answer only three minutes would be given.

Each participant had an iPad programmed by Edward Montel, brother to Travis Montel, where you did your calculations and answers then submitted the answers.

I sighed. I didn't really think I would excel.

When everything began, I was having fun since everything was going good. I was finding the questions easy and I was answering everything correctly.

Then, my eyes wondered around before the last question to check out the audience and the judges. I regretted having lifted my eyes from the iPad when they landed on Arthur and Skyla. I remembered everything that happened in the chemistry lab at school. I lost my concentration. They were seated together. Too close to each other.

I looked away and back to my iPad to hide my teary eyes. I had completely forgotten about them and was thinking about my hero, Tyga till my wondering eyes found them. The aching in my heart returned.

I was trying to concentrate on the question but everything failed.

I got to understand the question at the warning bell and the answer was eight but I ended up writing six since Arthur's name was made up of six letters.

Most people gasped at my wrong answer since I had been the star since the competition began. It had been reflected on to the projection where people could see our working. My work was correct except the answer. Trisha was looking at me trying to figure out the reason for the mistake.

I realised my mistake and figured out the reason and all I did was to lean against the stand with my head looking at the iPad. There was no way I could change it.

Nelly might have understood why I had failed since she had seen me look at Arthur and Skyla.

The MC said," okay, let's go for a short break as the judges organise the results," he was also perplexed at my answer. In fact he said that to cool the tension in the room.

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