43-The final match

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It was all because of you


Training with Arthur and everyone else was great. I felt like we were ready to win. Tyga decided to just practice with the team along with the team just in case. I felt bad that my plan had backfired. I had gone to the Montels last Tuesday after school and I luckily found Trisha and Travis there. When I tried speaking to them about Tyga, I got myself a rejection that Tyga keeps getting every single day.

"Oh look who's here...Daisy Custergard."

Trisha seemed happy about something. I ignored that and just smiled at her. Travis settled in his one seat sofa comfortably and smiled at me.

"Hullo Mr. and Mrs. Montel," it was weird because I had always given them a cold shoulder.

"Please just let us know why we are honored this visit?" Travis asked.

"Uh...it's actually Tyga..."

"And what is with him?" Trisha asked me keenly.

"Um...it's just that I have been hanging out with him lately and..."

"And?" Trisha asked me excitedly. Well sorry for her, I'm not going to say I like him.

"And I figured out that he wants to try football just for once. He said you guys won't let him do it but at least let him play for my sake. I love seeing him play."

"Excuse us?" Trisha said.

"That's not happening at any one point," Travis made himself clear.


"No! You may leave," Travis seemed so perturbed by that.

I stood up and said,"I've never seen selfish parents like yourselves. You are both successful doing what you wanted and your parents didn't stop you from doing it but the way you don't want Tyga to play football just once is crazy. He loves it and you know it. Why don't you just let him do it? You played football so why can't he?"

"Because we don't want him to. He's our son and not yours. You don't tell us what to do with him," Trisha spoke so furiously but Travis seemed softened. "Infact get out!"

I looked at her angrily.

"Get out."

"I am on my way out but trust me you will regret this. He's going to hate you."

I left. I felt so bad. He wanted this so badly. The way he was active in practice showed it all. I felt really hurt that I couldn't do anything to help him.

------ THE MATCH ------

The awaited day finally came. We were versing a team known as the Dark hearts. Only the name could scare you but we had to be positive on this. I got dressed in my cheer girl attire and headed to the field. I saw Sky's parents arrive and settle. I looked at her. She was surprised. I walked to her. She was speechless.

"Daisy, they came... together," she exclaimed.

"But your mum was with us on your first date."

"That's cause my cousin called her over when she went to visit her boyfriend in London."

"Ohhh so they are here together?"

"Yeah I guess," she shrugged.

The way she looked at them showed that she was happy to see them together. I shrugged and just got ready to cheer.

The royals started heading to the field. I sent Arthur a flying kiss and he winked at me. I just prayed that this match went well for him. Mike and Eric were in for the match except Tyga. I looked at him and he looked hurt. He realised that I was looking at him so he smiled. I smiled back showing him that I was sorry for not helping him be on the field now. My eyes landed on Trisha and Travis who had been watching Tyga and I. They looked away from me and so did I. I sighed. This was meant to be a good day for everyone.

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