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I woke up quite late the next day. It was Saturday meaning no hitting school to help Mr. Dumbledore. Only the diner. Meeting Harry. Gotta explain what happened to me cause he's going to insist to know and he's like a best friend now.

I walked downstairs after freshening up and wearing some clothes Tracy had got for me only to meet Trevor and Tess fighting.

"What the hell guys?!" I separated them. They did not just do that.

"Okay what in the world made you two fight? Montels don't do that!"

"She was trying to stop me from heading to the mall with Alec," Trevor told me. Alec was their new driver.

"Where's Alec?" I asked him.

"She has chased him away claiming that dad was against it."

"And he is! He refused you from getting another play station. You don't want to do anything else but play."

"But that's none of your business!"

Okay Trevor was just eight years. That attitude was too much for him.

"Okay okay guys...here's a solution. Why don't you both get ready and hit the mall with me? We will all get what we want."

"But dad-"

"Tess, I'm the one taking you. Dad loves Daisy right?"

They both smiled and ran to get ready.

"No wonder Mrs. Neon employed you in her orphanage 24/7."

I turned only to see Tracy smiling. I smiled back. "Are you joining us?"

"You guys go. I'll come with Tyga."


I went to the orphanage first and got more children to join Trevor, Tess and I. We headed to the mall. I had to forget the previous day's events and think of my next step.

We got to the mall and headed straight to the children's sector. They started picking what they wanted. My phone rang. It was Harry. I excused myself and headed out. There was a bridge on top of some river that was next to the mall so it was where I went.

"Hey, are you okay? I heard about yesterday."

"Harry, I'm fine. It's not a big deal."

That was a lie.

"But he was stupid to-"

"Harry I haven't concluded that so please don't. I'm going to talk to him."

"Fine. Let me know today evening when you hit work."


We talked about other things and some plans on how to unite Tracy with Tyga since I had told him about what I had wanted for Tyga.

We soon ended the call and when I turned to get back to the children in the mall, I saw Arthur on a call too. You can't guess the joy I had with in me. I walked to him as he ended the call. When he turned to me, I hugged him. He didn't hug me back so I pulled back.

"Arthur...are you fine?"

"Oh? So you care?"

What? Why was he giving me this attitude?

"Of course I care. What are you talking about? I have-"

"You have done nothing and stop pretending to care now! You forgot about me the moment I set foot into the car that led me out of here."

"What?...no! I-"

"Don't even think about pretending because I know everything. I read your letter. How your loving Tyga organised you birthday surprises and I did nothing compared to that. How he was there for you after Cal's death and I didn't think about you. But do you really think I didn't care. K tried to send you messages after reading that letter telling you not to really fall for his advances. Telling you I loved you more than he did. I sent you letters and all you did was to ignore every single one of them so back off. FYI, I also moved on with someone way better than your class. Cedra Montenegro. Just go to your Tyga Montel and forget we ever met because I. HATE. YOU!"

I lost my tongue. Where had he got all of that from? I was crying now. He was turning to leave and all I could was hold him. "Arthur no...that's not true... Tyga's just a friend... Arthur please..."

He pulled away from me. "Arthur!"

He left. I ran after him. Before he could get to his car, I stood in front of him. "Arthur listen to me. Let me explain to you the truth. I swear on my life I didn't do anything of that sort. Arthur..."

"Get away from my path."

He was not looking at me. He asked his royal body guards to get me away from him and they pulled me away. The people who were there were recording everything. I tried to call after his name but he got into his car along with Cedra who seemed to be hiding a smile forming on her lips.

Tyga soon came along with Tracy and they both got me on my feet. I had fallen down after the guards had let go of me. They helped me back to the house. Tracy took the children back to the orphanage and the rest came with me to their house. I stopped at the door.

"Daisy, what's wrong? What did that prince do to you?" Trevor asked me.

I knelt down to his level. I held him. "Nothing. I just cried because he told me something I didn't want to hear."

"What can I do to make the tears stop?"

I smiled at him. "Nothing baby. I'm going to be fine."


"I promise."

I kissed his forehead and then I stood up. "Tyga please take them inside. I will be fine."



He nodded and they got in. I walked to the MFP. I got in and sat down on one of the bleachers. I closed my eyes and relived that final match. Where had I gone wrong? Why was Arthur acting like this? Who had poisoned his mind? Was it that Cedra girl? But she didn't know that much about me. It was probably someone else.

I felt my tears run down. It started raining from nowhere. I stood up and moved to the middle of the field. I fell down in the middle of the field and cried terribly as I remembered everything we had passed through.

I then got up and moved to the beach he had taken me to. I sat somewhere far away from people. I watched the water in the ocean. Waves...they come and go just like this stupid life and pain I was facing. Where had I gone wrong?

I went to the diner where we had something to eat on the first Saturday we officially became one. Where had I gone wrong?...

I went to the liberty highway where we were attacked. Where had I gone wrong?

I then headed to the hospital where he had been admitted after all those injuries. I could see everything replaying in my head. Where had I gone wrong?

I walked back to the MFP. It was dark now. I had moved the whole afternoon trying to find my mistake. I looked at the field. That final match. What had I done that made him think that I had forgotten him the moment he set foot in the car that led him out of here? What happened to the letters I had sent to him every week including the one we were in? I don't remember sending a letter telling him about Tyga doing things he hadn't done.

Where had I gone wrong?

I screamed to the heavens and soon I was answered by another heavy downpour. I just sighed. I decided to walk home. I was shivering. I started feeling dizzy. I sat down at the street bench that I saw along the road. I started thinking about everything again. [Refer to the introduction of the whole story].

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