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Hold on baby...

♥ Arthur ♥

"Dude... I know you are over Daisy but you're the person she loves most. You've got to save her. She's in trouble so long as she's a Smith," the guy I knew as Adams told me.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him.

"Of course I can't tell you everything. Just try and find out."

He then walked away from me.


That had happened at Harry's party. I was still confused about how to tell Daisy that she was in danger. I tried showing her that I wasn't interested in her so that she could drop the act and come back claiming how she loves me and there I could fully protect her but of course, my plan back fired. I tried to talk to the Adams guy again but he obviously avoided it.

I was still in my thoughts when Tracy came straight to my room. It wasn't late but it was night time.

"Arthur...the Smiths...Daisy..."

"What's wrong?"

She just got the remote on my bed and switched on the TV. I froze.

There's no sign of Daisy currently...we hope she's okay...

Where was Daisy?

"What the..."

"Daisy was with me...we were at..." She narrated everything to me. "And now Ly is like he can't find her. She's not at the hospital nor at home."

I felt the colour drain from my face. Oh God... I had to get to Adams. He probably knew something about this...

"Inform the rest okay? I will be on my way," I told Nelly and she nodded. I got out and boarded my sweet ride. Where could she possibly be? Who had attacked the Smiths? I drove faster to the house of the new guys in town. What surprised me... I found their mother being driven away by one of the guys they usually move with. That was suspicious because they even took a suitcase with her. I decided to follow the car.

I stopped in my tracks when I realised where they were heading. Airport. Fuck... I knew that those guys had something boiling...

Shawn called me. What a surprise...we had not talked in like years...


"Arthur, Harry asked me to tell you this before he was taken in for operation..."


"Lycan and Adams are not biological brothers and that's not their mother...they belong to some group. It's called a pack and his father leads it. He's called Lycan because he's the strongest just like a Lycan can be the strongest among wolves...that woman was employed to act like their mother on this mission where they were sent to finish off the daughter of the Smiths...they were the ones that attacked them some time back when she was still young. Mr. Smith had some problems with Lycan's dad. He had ever got him in prison just for accidentally touching Mrs. Smith and accused him of assault. That hurt and he promised to revenge... Harry found out about this the moment they were attacked and shot...that's what the three guys who always move with Lycan and Adams told them before shooting them... he says try and save his sister because she loves you so much..."

I called Tracy.

"Yes? Have you got her?"

"No... first tell me if Ly has called you."

"Not yet. His phone is even out of reach."

Fuck... I decided to call my boys. We met just outside the Gupters'. That's Mrs. Gupter's diner. Troy, Leo as well as Alex came. Tyga, Mike and Eric would be somewhat late...

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