16-Semi-Finals(Brother and Sister)

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I quickly decided to introduce them to each other before Tyga chased Arthur out thinking he's just trespassing.

"Arthur...hi. Meet Tyga, a friend and Tyga, meet Arthur, my...uh... friend," I said to both of them. I was remembering the kiss Arthur and I shared.

"Hi," Arthur said to Tyga with little interest.

"Hey," Tyga was not interested too.

Before I could say anything to cheer the moment, Tess and Tyga's friends came back into the room. On seeing Arthur, Tess said,"Wow Daisy! You have a hot boyfriend. How come you have not yet told me about him?"

I was made speechless by Tess' statement. What made her call Arthur my boyfriend? Did we look like a couple?

"Uh... he's not my boyfriend. We are just friends," I ignored the fact that we had kissed. Maybe it meant nothing to him. Maybe he was just comforting me. I don't know. He wanted to make me jealous. But why?

"Really?" Tess didn't look convinced. She added on,"Maybe he's your ex. You two look to-"

"Tess," I interrupted her. She looked at me and I shook my head at her. She sighed and nodded. I turned to Arthur and said,"That's Tess, Tyga's young sister and my friend. And that's Mike and...and Eric, Tyga's best friends. Guys, this is Arthur," I decided to add on no last part. I wasn't sure of what was between Arthur and I now.

They said hi to each other but there was coldness from Mike. Whatever made that guy feel big!

Tess asked Arthur,"So Arthur, do you play soccer?"

Wow! How did she know? Why that of all questions?

"Yeah. I do,"Arthur seemed interested in talking about football. Call it soccer too. I just loved calling it football.

"No wonder the looks of a soccer star. I'm sure you will soon be known for being the best soccer player in the country," Tess spoke with a smile. I swear if she was sixteen and above, I would have called it flirting with my boyfriend... I mean friend. Right. Yeah. Shawn was my boyfriend.

"I believe that too,"Arthur looked like he wanted Tess to be his sister already.

"You should-"

Tyga interrupted Tess. "Tess, I think you should get going already. Your friends are probably missing you. You have already talked to Daisy anyway. C'mon, go. You have quite a big number of people to talk to."

He was jealous of Arthur. He didn't get a chance to play football like Arthur. He didn't want his sister to bond with Arthur too.

"Your age mates in particular," Mike added on to Tyga's statement. He smirked at Tess who was hurt. Mike was so bad. Rude. Cold as in bad not freezing. He spoke to Tess like she was not human and he spoke to Arthur and I like we were some kind of trash. I was pissed. The both of them were sending Tess just because she was being nice to Arthur. Was that a crime?

"I don't think Tess and I are done talking," I told both Tyga and Mike. I had a cold look.

"It's okay Daisy. You can talk next time," Tyga spoke ignoring my cold look.

"No. I want to talk to her about a lot of things and that is happening today," I insisted.

Tyga clenched his fists. At least I was getting to his nerves too just like the way his best friend and him were getting to mine by trying to chase Tess away.

Eric was quiet. Tess looked like it was not the first time Tyga and Mike were doing this to her. As for Arthur, he had a neutral expression on his face. I didn't know how he was feeling about the situation.

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