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A person like you doesn't deserve to cry all the time...


Rio, Sheila, and the twins left for New York after three weeks and I decided to work with Harry just to pass time. He was entertaining but I realised that there was something he was hiding from me and that he knew something about me. Something I didn't know. Anyway I pretended not to want to know. I had enough already...

"So hey how's today?" He asked me as he got in ready for his evening shift after me.

"It's fine," I told him. I had stopped being myself. The jolly me had left with Arthur.

"C'mon why aren't you excited? It's your birthday!"

"Wait...what? How did you know?"


I mouthed an O. Shawn had even texted me at midnight yesterday telling me happy 18th Birthday. I had smiled at the message. He had never stopped talking to me ever since he left. I wondered if he had even moved on. I didn't want him to have pain that I caused for long.

"Yeah so where should I take you after my shift? I should pick you up and-"

"Harry," he turned to me and I shook my head. "I'm not interested."

Arthur was supposed to be here with me. I remembered how he had told me he would make my birthday special. He hadn't even known that we would be separated.

Thinking about that made me cry as I left the diner and sat outside. Harry followed. He seemed so touched. Did we have a connection or something? Why did he care so much?

"Daisy, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to-"

"Harry it's fine. It's not you. I'm just remembering something that was supposed to happen today."

"With Arthur?"

I just looked away. He sighed. "Daisy if that guy really loves you, he would have still made today special in some way but..." He clenched his jaws. "Never mind."

He left. This guy had something perturbing him. I just prayed he didn't love me or something like that. I sighed and dried my tears and stood up to go home only to be stopped by Tyga.

"Hey..." I said before he realised I was crying.

"Daisy ...what's wrong?" Of course he realised I was crying.

"Nothing. I just remembered something."

"C'mon..." He really cared.

"Tyga I can't stop crying. It just happens."

"Then try and fight it. A person like you doesn't deserve to cry all the time. Come here," he pulled me to him and dried my tears then hugged me. I cried in his chest. He was the best friend I had now.

After that he drove me on his motor bike and when we got to my house, he told me to go freshen up as he headed to the kitchen. I finished up and went to see what he was doing. I gasped at what I saw. He had prepared different types of foods and he was still bringing more. There was a cake in the middle of the table. I switched on the lights  only for Mike, Eric and Tess to pop out of the sitting room screaming 'Happy Birthday'....

I almost screamed. Drake came and sprayed me... Trisha and Travis came in clapping and smiling. The other Montels came in excited too. I covered my mouth surprised but happy. What even made me more happy was Rio, Sheila and the twins.

"Rio!" I ran and hugged him. "You guys came back!"

"Did we even go?" He said as we both pulled from the hug.

I hugged Sheila and the twins. "We were hiding in the Montels' house this time. It was great!" Carsy said.

"Yeah with the hot guys there," Bella winked at me and I just grinned. They were referring to Drake, Tyga, Mike and Eric.

"You guys are too much!" I told them.

"We couldn't leave without making you smile again," Sheila said.

"Let me go change," I said as I ran back upstairs. I wore black sweats and Tyga's shirt that I had never returned. He was the reason all this had happened.

I came back and found him finalising with the food. I walked to him. "Thanks so much." I hugged him.

"C'mon you don't need to thank me. You know I want you happy."

"You're the best!" I hugged him again.

"Okay the hugs should stop and let's start with eating. I'm starving," Tyga's grand mother said.

We laughed and sat down where we could sit as one and that's the sitting room then we started eating. Oh my God, Tyga cooked so well. After the food, we cut the cake. I then went out to answer my phone. It was Harry.

"Hey I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

"Harry it's okay I am fine. I am actually sorry for turning you down. Maybe tomorrow?"

"Whoa...how come your mood is so up?"

I laughed. "Are we going out tomorrow or not?"

"Of course," he said.

"Okay good night for now."


I ended the call. I decided to just try and be fine for Tyga's sake as a friend who didn't want to see me cry.

I turned back to head back to the house only to bump into Trisha. I wondered what I had to say now.

"Uh... Trisha I-"

"I'm sorry Daisy. I'm sorry."


"I used Skyla to make you feel embarrassed at school so that I could get Tyga to be with you but that was stupid of me. All the pictures she posted were from me. I paid some spies to follow you up for sometime and I did all that. I'm sorry."

Well Arthur already left. The shit already ended.

"There's nothing to say now. It's already in the past. We should just leave it there and forget it."

"Of course and by the way, I'm bringing my son back. You seem to have reunited the Montels so it's better we all live together and grow fond of you."

"Son? Which son exactly?"

"Trevor. He's making seven years next year in February. I had taken him to my sister in New Zealand because well, I'm Trisha, I'm ever busy but...a little family time won't hurt."

"I'm excited to meet another young Travis," I said and she smiled. I hugged her.

We then went back in to have some more fun.


*Sighs* some happiness after some tears but... where's our Arthur? What's happening to him? Why isn't he replying our poor Daisy's messages?

Okay guys the next chapter is just throwing some light on Arthur's side....

Love you


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