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The picture is about a Daisy just like our character. She's called Daisy and she's ever herself.


The next days were busy days for Skyla and Troy who were preparing for their part in the science fair. They were the ones in for semi-finals. They had to prepare something with lots of technology related to the human body system except making robots that were humans.

Cal was preparing the list of the new football team members. I wondered if Arthur had made it. Cal wasn't allowing me to look at the list. Actually, I didn't care. I knew Arthur would pass through and even if he didn't, I would do anything to get him onto the team. I wanted him to achieve his dream and be happy. I loved him so much but I was never going to show it to him since he had proved not to love me back the last time I tried to make him jealous by kissing Shawn.

In the evening, I decided to go jogging along the Liberty high way that ran through a forest where I found Angel. It was my jogging route. I loved jogging along that route since it was close to home and there were rarely any cars or people passing by. In short, I loved jogging from there because it was quiet and lonely.

As I was still jogging, I saw Angel again but this time round, she was very jolly. I stopped. It was weird. She ran to someone. It was her mom. They hugged. They waved at me but I was confused. What were they doing in this deserted place? I slowly waved back.

What was perturbing me, they were in the same clothes like the last time I saw them.

A lorry then passed along the road and when it finally finnished passed, there was no one. Angel and her mom had disappeared. I froze. What had just happened? Where were they? I didn't want to call them ghosts.

I quickly jogged back home. I was scared. I didn't sleep the whole night.

The next morning, instead of getting ready for school, I slept. Rio always came to check if I was ready for school but I think this time,he found me dead asleep.

Bella and Carsy decided to disturb me. They came to my room and screamed. I woke up due to their loud voices. As I was still wondering who had screamed, Sheila walked in with Bella and Carsy.

I think Rio and Cal had already left.

"So you keep scare crows in your room?!" Sheila asked me.

I was confused. Scare crows?!

"Which scare crows are you talking about Sheila?"

"Don't try to even deny it. Bella and Carsy have seen them!"

"Where are they then?"

"They....were.....up there...."Carsy said with a shaky voice.

We all looked up and saw nothing. The ceiling was as good as new.

"Okay enough drama. Get out of my room," I wanted to go to school already.

"I am going nowhere you demon keeper! This is my house and you'll do as I say. You will listen to me! Get those scare crows out!"

I just looked at them so that they could get irritated at my silence and leave my room. I had already seen enough drama the day before.

Bella walked into my room and got a picture from my bed. I didn't even know there was one.

"These are the people that scared us. They were standing here in front of Daisy's bed with bloody eyes and there was blood all over the ceiling."

Bella was shivering while speaking.

I grabbed the photo from her only to see Angel and her mom.

"Angel! Her mom!" I couldn't stop myself from exclaiming it out loud.

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