21-The Montels

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The next day, Nelly and I headed to school since she had slept at my house. We met Arthur.

"Hey guys," he told us happily.

"Hi," I softly replied.

"Hey, guess what?" Nelly was a blubber mouth when it came to reporting me so I expected something related to me.

"What?" Arthur was eager to know.

"Daisy here has offered to help us on our project. She even gave me some ideas last night."

I just rolled my eyes at this. Did she have to tell him?

"Wow...that's great. I guess I will meet you guys at lunch and you will tell me about the project ideas you are talking about."

"You will meet her. I already know them," Nelly was planning something.

"But you need to decide which one is okay," I had to stop her plan. She wanted me to hangout with Arthur the more yet I had issues to fix in my life before thinking about Arthur and I.

"Arthur is really good at doing that. Excuse me. Nice time guys," she left. That girl!

"Uh...that leaves you and me then," Arthur said to me.

"Yea, I guess," I replied. We were not talking about Friday night. We had kissed and now we were ignoring everything.

Skyla came from nowhere.

"Hey...uh... Arthur, coach wants to tell you something. I've been looking for you," I knew she was lying. Calvin would tell me if he wanted to tell Arthur anything.

"Oh, okay. Later Daisy," he gave me the attention.

"Later," I replied with a smile.

He left.

"See, he loves football more than any of us," Skyla told me.

"Yea, I know and I want him to achieve something in the-"

"Bla bla... you know you talk too much and I'm starting to think that's why the phantoms can easily find you," she chuckled before she left with her friends. Tyra and Sera.

I frowned. Argh. How had she even known?!

I went to class and attended the boring classes then met with Arthur at lunch and explained my projects to him. I told him Rio was good at sciences so he agreed to come home on Friday night along with Nelly. We then went to the field and I watched him practise as well as Shawn who kept on waving at me. He left early so Arthur dropped me home. I would have loved the moment if it wasn't so weird. The way we wanted to talk about the kiss and his possessive attitude towards me but avoided it just because we didn't know how to start it.

The whole time I would be there for Arthur's practice and I promised him I would never miss it. On Thursday morning, though, as I was in Chemistry, Mrs. Morgan sent for me. I was surprised but I still went to the office. I found two bodyguards there and I recognised them. The Montels' bodyguards. I swallowed hard recalling Trisha's call which I had ended. I turned to Mrs. Morgan.

"Yes ma'am?" I was very polite with her.

"Not me, it's these men who need you."

"Oh," I turned to them. "How may I help you then?"

"Mrs. Montel wants to see you at her house right now," one of them spoke very clearly.

"Now?" I had lessons!

"Yes, right now."

"But I have lessons," I argued.

"She said she doesn't care since you have been ignoring her calls."

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