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Hold on... I still want you...


I drove Tess home and I collided with Tyga as I headed back to my car. I didn't want to talk to anyone but I couldn't put all my anger on him so I stopped.

"Hey... didn't know you were coming home" he said so sweetly.

"I just dropped Tess off. We met when I was picking up Angel"

"That's Arthur's sister right"

"And how did you know"

"Their house is not far from here so they are like neighbours"

He was right. "That's right. Anyway see you on Saturday. Gotta go"

"Goodnight then"


I hugged him and also kissed his cheek just because we were friends and I show my friends some love.

I drove to the diner Harry worked in. I wanted to distract myself from what had happened. I got in. I saw him texting on his phone figuring that people had not yet started storming in. I walked to him. He looked up and his face lit up. He grinned.

"Hey" I said.


"So I figured I should pass by here just to spend some time if that's fine with you anyway."

"It's very fine."

I walked to a booth along with him. We sat down.

"Wait...are you in for some fries and ketchup"

"Not a fan of ketchup actually"

"Oh yeah right. How could I forget that"

"I'm sorry what?" Did he know me or something?

"Shawn spoke about you so much so I kinda know you very well"

I nodded in approval though I wasn't that convinced.

"So should I get the food"

"Just get me a burger instead and some soda"


He walked away and I checked my phone. No text from anyone. Wow. Great. They had all been present some minutes back. Couldn't any one of them send a consoling message? Not even a hurting or nagging one from Skyla...wow that hurts...

Harry came back before any tear slid down my cheeks. Thank God.



I dug in. Man I was so hungry. I wasn't a fan of food but when hungry I could eat something trust me.

"Oh my God this is so nice"

"Yeah one of the reasons I love working here"

"Free food huh"


I laughed. We talked more and when it got late, I stood up.

"Thanks for the evening. It was so great."


"Wish I could stay but I have school tomorrow"

"It's fine... I'm also heading to school too"

"About that...you're rare"

"I'm not in your school. I changed school."


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