CHAPTER 5: Complaint

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Third person's POV.


A few days later, Lisa is called into her manager's office. Old Wang informs her that her R8 customer has called to cancel one of the cars AND file a sexual harassment complaint against her. This has Old Wang and Lalisa baffled and worried. Sexual harassment? Not only does Lisa have a stellar record in her years of working with the company, she is drop-dead gorgeous and is more likely a victim than the transgressor in event of sexual harassment.

Lisa assures Old Wang that she has absolutely, positively, NOT harassed her customer and that she will call Mr Kim to find out if there is any misunderstanding.

Namjoon was surprised when he gets a call from Lisa but he figures his brother must have something to do with it. He promises Lisa that he will call his brother to find out what is going on before reverting to her again.

When the call was through, Jungkook is the first to speak: "You have call at the right time. There is a question that I can't figure out."

This catches Namjoon's interest. "Really, there is actually a question you can't figure out? Do tell me more."

"According to my dating programme, all the girls I met have called me after the first meeting to arrange for another date. In other words, my programme thinks that my personality is the "Super Appealing" type."

Namjoon bursts out laughing. "Can you be any less shameless? You? Super Appealing? with that weird temper of yours?"

At the other end, Jungkook is silent. "Which is why I say there is a problem." He has designed the programme logic based on numerous psychological models and the programme has successfully passed the initial tests. Even if there is a deviation in its analysis, it should not be so far off the mark....

Namjoon: "I suggest you add 2 zeros to the weightage of "Looks" in your programme and then re-run the results. I guarantee you that your programme will work just fine."

"It is not scientific if looks is the primary determining factor."

"Believe me. It is the only science and logic in your case."

Not wanting to waste time, Namjoon changes the topic. "Jungkook, do you perhaps know Lisa the girl on the card I gave you,the one I ordered a car from?"

"I do not know."

"I say, are you crazy? You do not know a person and yet you claim that she harassed you? I know you are very good looking and there is a never-ending queue of people making passes at you. But how can you make such a complaint to a stranger without rhyme or reason?"

"I did not file a complaint." He only received a phone call, recounted his story, and informed the Customer Service Officer that he wishes to cancel his car.

"Which means you did say that she harassed you?"

Jungkook remains silent.(٥↼_↼)

Namjoon tries again. "Ok, let us try this from another angle. What is your agenda?"

Jungkook has lost interest in the topic. "You only need to know that I will never buy a car from her."

Namjoon is quick to hear between the lines. "AHa! You do know Lisa right? Please do not tell me you are doing this to attract her attention? That will be childish to the extreme!"

Jungkook: "I suggest you stop guessing. Base on your deduction powers and imagination, you will not be able to find out the reason within a short time."

"Ha! So what if you have high IQ! You... you are an idiot!"



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